On April 22, the annual competition took place – Student Spring 2024, in which students from all faculties of the International Educational Corporation took part. This year, each faculty in its creative performances revealed current problems of society.
As a result of the competition, the winners were:
I place and prize 1,000,000 tenge – Faculty of Design;
II place and prize 750,000 tenge – Faculty of Architecture;
III place and prize of 500,000 tenge – Faculty of Construction Technologies, Infrastructure and Management;
In addition to prizes, the teams were awarded the following nominations:
“Best script” and a prize of 50,000 tenge – faculty of “Kazakh-American University”;
“Best decoration” and a prize of 50,000 tenge – Faculty of “General Construction”.
“Best Choreography” – Faculty of Architecture;
“Best Fans” – Faculty of Design;
“Best stage effect” – faculty of “Kazakh-American University”;
“Best Actress” – Aldyngurova Meruert, 1st year student, Faculty of Architecture;
“Best Actor” – Aymahanbetov Abilkhayyr, 1st year student, Faculty of “General Construction”.
In a solemn atmosphere, IEC Rector Margarita Bulatovna Imandosova thanked all the competitors for their outstanding performances and presented the winners with diplomas and cash certificates.