Imandosova Margarita Bulatovna


Sabdenaliyev Bakhtiyar Asylbayuly


Tolenbekov Ernur Kanatbekovich

Vice-Rector for Digitalization 

Kim Raushan Dzhumakhmetovna

Vice-Rector for Financial and Administrative Affairs

Sabirzyanova Sabina Adilkhanova

Vice-Rector for Social Development and Educational Work

Kiizbayeva Zhadyra Ermekkyzy

Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation

Abdullayeva Farida Maksutovna

The registrar


Manas Igenovich Khasenov

Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Associate Professor

Zimenko Alexander Alexandrovich

Dean of the Faculty of Arts, PhD in Art History, Associate Professor, member of the Union of Designers

Moldamuratov Zhangazy Nurzhanovich

Acting Dean of the Faculty, PhD, Associate Professor

Makashev Ernar Bakhytzhanovich

Dean of FSTIM, Associate Professor (PhD)

Teleuev Galym Baigazievich

Dean of the Faculty at KAU, Associate Professor (PhD)

Administrative block

The HR department is a division that provides a unified procedure for documenting and selecting and forming a stable, highly qualified administrative and teaching staff, which is the main factor in the effectiveness and competitiveness of the IOC activities.

Main functions:

development of recruitment plans in accordance with the IOC personnel policy and strategy;
registration of admission, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with the current labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
organization and control over the conclusion of employment contracts by all employees;
accounting of personnel, formation of personal files of employees, maintenance and storage of established personnel documentation, issuance of certificates on the current and past work activities of IOC employees, as well as preparation of materials for presentation of incentives and awarding departmental and state awards;
analysis of the composition, study of the business and professional qualities of the IOC employees in order to select personnel to fill vacant positions and create a reserve for nomination;
organization of employee certification, its methodological and informational support;
organization and control of the state of professional development, professional training and retraining of employees;
analysis of staff turnover, development of measures to eliminate them;
organization of control over the state of labor discipline in the IOC units, compliance by employees with the rules of internal labor regulations;
timely submission of established personnel reports;
initial processing, preliminary examination, registration, accounting, archival storage, delivery and distribution of documents;
organization of timely consideration of incoming documents, control over the execution of documents submitted for signature to the Rector of the IOC;
monitoring the execution of documents on time, regularly informing management and the corporation about the results of the execution of documents;
control of long-distance negotiations and transmission of facsimile messages;
storage of primary organizational and legal documents, storage and application of IOC seals and stamps;
exercising control over record keeping;
organization of control over the execution of orders, documents of higher authorities, internal decisions of the corporation;
analyzing the document flow in the corporation and providing the management with a certificate on the quantitative indicators of office maintenance in the corporation;
control over the safety and correctness of the registration and formation of cases in the divisions of the corporation, the organization of an examination of the value of documents in order to select them for storage and destruction;
monitoring compliance with the requirements of the rules of information security and storage of documents containing confidential information;
registration of business trips by the IOC;
compilation and development of the nomenclature of the corporation’s affairs;
providing methodological guidance on the organization of record keeping in the corporation;
organization of professional development of employees responsible for office work, holding meetings, seminars and consultations on documentation and documentation management;
organization of control over the execution of orders, the process of passing documents of higher authorities, letters from citizens, internal decisions of the corporation;
analyzing the document flow in the corporation and providing the management with a certificate on the quantitative indicators of office maintenance in the corporation;
compilation of the nomenclature of the corporation’s affairs in accordance with the requirements of the central state archive;
development of reference and regulatory documents of the office management corporation in accordance with the current governing documents.
HRD Director:

Nisupova Aigul Muratovna

tel./fax:+7(727) 220-80-58 (ext.)1032


The main tasks of the department are: documenting management activities and clear record keeping, ensuring quick and thorough review, execution of all incoming documents and control, their effective and correct use, accounting and storage, ensuring a unified order of organization and record keeping in the divisions of the corporation.

Head of the Office:
Baytalipova Razalia Uzakbayevna
Alnurova Aigul Muratovna
tel.:+7 (727) 309-62-41 (ext.1029)

The main purpose of the legal service is to ensure compliance with the rule of law in the activities of the IOC.

The main tasks are:

information and legal support of the corporation’s activities;
protection of the legal interests and legal rights of the corporation;
development of legal documents;
representation of the corporation’s interests in courts of various instances and other government agencies;
preparation of legal opinions and consulting work.
In accordance with the assigned tasks, the legal service performs the following main functions:

corporate work – support of management bodies (meetings of shareholders/ participants, boards of directors, executive bodies), registration/liquidation/reorganization of legal entities, separate divisions, registration actions in the legal entity;
implementation of legal expertise of draft orders, instructions, regulations and other legal acts prepared by the corporation and submitted for approval to the legal service, their approval, as well as participation in the preparation of these documents;
preparation of legal norms and regulations governing the activities of the corporation;
carrying out measures to implement legal control in the field of labor relations;
implementation of measures for the development, coordination and conclusion of current contracts and obligations;
achieving a high level of registration of legal documents in the corporation;
information and reference support for the activities of structural units, providing them with legal advice;
coordination of activities with law enforcement agencies, public authorities and management bodies, local self-government bodies;
ensuring the accounting and storage of local regulations of the corporation, etc.;
providing methodological guidance on legal work in the corporation;
clarification of the current legislation and the procedure for its application, provision of legal assistance to structural units in claims work, preparation and transfer of necessary materials to judicial authorities;
representing the interests of the corporation in court, economic court, as well as in state and public organizations when considering legal issues, conducting court cases;
work on the analysis and generalization of the results of consideration of claims, court cases, as well as the practice of concluding and executing contracts for the provision of educational services, agreements on joint activities with other institutions and organizations, business contracts;
development of proposals to improve the monitoring of compliance with contractual discipline;
participation in the development and implementation of measures to strengthen contractual, financial and labor discipline.
Head of the Legal Service:
Baymukashev Islam Seifulmalikuly
Tel: +7 (727)-220-80-47 ( ext. 1040)

The Accounting and Finance Department (BFO) is a structural unit of the International Educational Corporation. The main purpose of the BFO is the organization of work on collection and planning, control over accounting and analysis of the results of the IOC’s production, economic and financial activities.

Functions of the Accounting and Finance Department:

analysis of the financial stability of the corporation;
organization of labor and salary accounting for IOC employees;
organization of accounting for the accrual and payment of scholarships to IOC students studying under a state educational order;
organization of accounting for accrual and payment of travel compensation to IOC students studying under a state educational order;
organization of accounting for accrual and payment of compensation for meals to orphaned children and children left without parental care from among IOC students studying under a state educational order;
organization of accounting for the accrual and payment of a one-time monetary allowance and monetary compensation to orphaned children and children left without parental care from among IOC students studying under a state educational order;
formation of complete and reliable information on the property status of the IOC, necessary for internal and external users of accounting statements;
development of staffing projects;
systematic analysis of financial and economic activities of all structural units of the corporation according to accounting and statistical reports, as well as on the basis of operational data;
development of measures and proposals for the rational use of labor, material and monetary resources, ensuring their implementation;
accounting and systematization of guidance documents on financial and economic activities, organization of their timely study and execution;
drawing up an organization’s budget forecast map;
monitoring compliance with financial obligations under contracts;
calculation and analysis of profit and profitability;
preparation of a business plan (for various types of business activities, including for provision at the request of banks), feasibility studies, etc.
The Auditor

Kim Svetlana Anatolyevna

Tel. +7 (727) 220-80-54 (ext. 1035)

Head of Financial Affairs

Skakova Lyazzat Seitbekovna

Tel. +7 (727) 220-80-56 (ext. 1043, 1046), office 205


Chief accountant

Tulemisova Zhanar Kabylzhanovna

Tel. +7 (727) 220-80-54 (ext. 1035), office 206,








The Registrar’s office (Dalee-or) has a structural adjustment of the MOC, which has the functions of registration and registration of individuals who are trained in all educational settings. “The activities of the OR are based on compliance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan” “on education””, the rules of the organization of activities of universities, the rules of credit technology of training, regulations, certification and issuance of educational programs, the registration of the Office of the Registrar and other normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan ” the law acts, regulating the educational process, including the report on knowledge and the release of documents on education received in the Academy. Main directions of activity of the Registrar’s Office:

Main directions of activity of the Registrar’s Office:

“I don’t know,” he said.;
“I don’T know,” he said.;
conduct joint work with the internal environment knowledge;
control for conducting rating controllers;
organization and holding of joint examenational Sessions;
Education, Progress, Educational Progress, provision of academic leave;
organization and control of state exams, protection of diplomatic projects;
issue of diplomas (certificates) and references to diplomas (certificates).
The organization of all views of internal, internal and final control of knowledge of students, statistics, distribution of educational activities for all forms of training addressed to the Russian Federation.
Main functions of the Registrar’s Office:

organization and control of activities with subsequent education programs in Kazgas and training in large areas;
preparation of instructions for admission, transition, and training;
Organization of testing systems in compliance with public education standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
sat materials and the creation of a Bank of these tests for conducting internal mid-term knowledge and examenational sessions, which are studied in the updated schedule;
organization, conduct and follow-up of the results of the internal environment, training (first course), examenational Sessions;
preparation of proposals for improvement and preparation of the teaching staff on the results of all views of the controller;
learning of working forms (ID, diploma, academic papers);
conduct an examenational session on all faculties. The results of the session will be reviewed by the corresponding Dean’s office for analysis and current work (advisors).
After all, the faculty was signed by the specialist of the Office of the Registrar. On all issues, entering the competence center, it is planned to become a specialist for the entire faculty.
All applications of students for training are made in the Office of the Registrar and are registered in a special magazine (i.e., applications for participation in special Fellows “Scholarships”, provision of free access to employment), for the inclusion of applicants-scholars of the academy, teaching children in IOC and students, teaching two children and more children in IOC, about the provision of appropriate conditions for training in accordance with the IOC with a social package (approved applications are accepted in the IOC and registered in IOC special magazine).

MOC registrar-Abdillaeva Farida Maksutovna, 

Deputy registrar Mok-Sadykova Asel Akhmetbekovna, а

Leading specialist or FA-Ashirbaeva Karlygash Khamzayevna, 

Leading specialist or FA-Makulbaeva Gulzhaina Altynsarykyzy,

Leading specialist or FD-Arystanbekova Kuralai Kasymovna,

Leading specialist or FOS-Bershimbayeva Aidana Dauletovna,      

Leading specialist or FOS – Beisebekova Gaukhar Dosalievna,

Leading specialist or FSTIM, FKAU-Kuanysheva Aizhan Bakhytkyzy,

Leading specialist or FSTIM, FKAU-Tulegenova Zabira Isakyzy,


All issues of international activity are regulated and provided by the International Office of the IOC.

The main areas of work of the Ministry of Defense:

Conclusion of bilateral academic agreements with related educational institutions abroad;
Organization of academic mobility of students and teaching staff with foreign universities;
Organization of conferences and seminars, exhibitions of student works and other events jointly with foreign partners;
Organization of the International Festival of Architecture, Construction and Design Schools of Eurasia;
Informing the Academy’s departments about international programs, competitions and projects;
Establishing contacts with international organizations and foundations;
Organization of visits of foreign guests to the IOC;
Visa support for international IOC students and guests.
Head of the International Office
Molotovskaya Olga Vladimirovna


The Department of Academic Policy and Quality (DAPC) is the most important structural unit of the International Educational Corporation (IOC), which implements such a basic university process as the formation and implementation of the academic policy of the corporation.

The IOC Academic Policy is a system of measures, rules and procedures for planning, managing and effectively organizing the educational and methodological process aimed at improving the quality of education.

The main purpose of the DAPC:

planning, organization, control and improvement of the educational process in accordance with the corporation’s development strategy and quality assurance system for the training of highly qualified specialists who are competitive in the modern labor market;
developing and monitoring the implementation of the IOC development strategy, implementing a quality assurance system by implementing and maintaining an effective internal performance assessment system and organizing the corporation’s participation in the processes of external evaluation of its activities.
The achievement of the main goal of the DAPC is realized through the solution of the following tasks:

formation and implementation of the academic policy of the university;
implementation of the current planning of the educational process;
organization and management of the educational process based on credit technology of education at all levels of education;
organization and management of strategic planning, accreditation and rating processes, formation of teaching staff workload;
ensuring compliance with accreditation requirements and SES requirements in the process of implementing educational programs (OP).
The main purpose of the DAPC is realized through the following tasks:

strategic planning of the corporation’s activities in accordance with government programs and current trends in the field of personnel training;
coordination of the activities of the corporation’s structural divisions aimed at improving and implementing the university’s internal quality assurance system;
implementation of organizational, methodological and information support for the processes of institutional and specialized accreditation procedures, participation in institutional and program ratings;
development of ideology and procedures for conducting a rating assessment of the activities of the teaching staff;
formation of annual working curricula for all subjects;
formation of calculation of the total amount of educational load of the corporation;
formation of academic streams to optimize the teaching load of teaching staff;
organization of the educational process: planning, organization and control of the work of educational and methodological councils of faculties, methodological councils of colleges, lyceums and schools;
coordination of methodological support of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standards and regulatory documents on the organization of the educational process;
improving the assessment system of educational achievements of students;
the relationship with all the structures of the corporation on the organization of the educational process;
development of internal regulatory and instructional materials aimed at improving the educational process and academic policy of the corporation;
consulting and training of teaching staff on the organization of the educational process and methodological work;
monitoring of the organization and methodological support of students’ practices;
monitoring the quality of education;
assistance in the introduction and use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the university as a whole;
organization and development of a distance learning system;
development, approval and control of the implementation of work plans of departments controlled by the DAPC;
control over the implementation of orders, orders, instructions and instructions of higher-level organizations, as well as decisions of the rector’s office on the organization, provision and conduct of the educational process.
Department of Academic Policy and Quality under the direction of the Director Dmitry Radionovich’s College coordinates three levels of education (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral), which includes three coordinators:

Musabekov Nazarbek Rasulbekovich
Hadjiev Ibrahim Imatovich
Ospanova Asel Kozhamuratovna

The Marketing Department (DM) is a structural unit of the IOC, engaged in the promotion of all IOC educational programs, coverage of all events, formation and promotion of IOC brands (KazGASA, KAU).

To date, all information, advertising, and career guidance materials of the IOC are developed by the marketing department. 

Office of the Marketing Department – 26 (GAK)
Director of the Marketing Department – Alina Kapanova 
Project Manager – Kuanyshbek Kudaibergen Maksatuly
SMM Manager – Bertai Medet
Videographer – Murzabekov Beibut
Designer – Karim Nursultan  
Press Secretary – Aruzhan Maulenova
Digital marketer – Magzom Dias Merekeuli
Call center – Aidan Shirakhanova

The Department of Social Development (DSR) is a key component in the structure of the International Educational Corporation, ensuring the creation of a socio-cultural environment and providing all the necessary conditions for the socialization and comprehensive development of students’ personality. It also regulates socio-cultural processes, contributing to the strengthening of moral, civic and general cultural qualities of students.

The activities of the Department of Social Development include:
1. The block of educational work, including the definition of development vectors, regulatory and scientific support for educational work, as well as the use of practical technologies.
2. Working with advisors.
3. A block of cultural and mass work, including support for events, competitions and support for creative teams.
4. The block of work with student self-government bodies and support for youth projects, including support for the activities of the student government, student deans and the coordinator of the student adaptation service, consulting and documentation support, coordination of the implementation of youth projects and programs, and external interactions with executive authorities and other universities.
5. A block on social support for students, including measures to promote a healthy lifestyle, awareness-raising and sanitary and educational activities.

Director of the JSR – Dusipova Tursyn Sagidullovna
The coordinator for working with advisors is Hadjiev Ibrahim Imatovich 
Coordinator of work with students- Fayzullaev Kadyrbek Bauyrzhanovich

The Department of Digitalization (DC) is organized in order to create and develop a digital space to support the core activities of the IOC, covering the main business processes of structural units aimed at improving the overall educational process and achieving the implementation of modern requirements for training specialists. The structure of the DC also includes a Technical support Service.

The main goals and objectives of the DC are:

development and implementation of strategic IOC informatization programs, implementation of a unified technical policy in the field of acquisition and use of technical and software computer tools and networks;
creation of a digital/electronic educational environment and its improvement;
development and support of the Digital University project;
creation, operation (maintenance) and development of subsystems of the IOC computer information system, including university-wide and local computer networks with access to the global INTERNET and other corporate, regional and industry networks (including with universities, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as organizations cooperating with the IOC);
development and improvement of information technologies for the educational process and university management;
provision of teaching staff workplaces with modern computers connected to the unified university management system and electronic training complexes;
methodological guidance and coordination of work at the university on the informatization of the educational process and scientific research, the introduction of industry and university standards in the field of informatization, the unification of normative reference information and classifiers, the acquisition and use of PC hardware and software by cathedral, institute and interinstitutional computer laboratories;
technical and system maintenance of information and telecommunication facilities (ITS), i.e. computer classes, copiers, printers, scanners, network equipment, etc.;
carrying out design and installation work in order to form a unified IOC computer network.
Vice-Rector for Digitalization

Tolenbekov Ernur Kanatbekovich


Director of the Information Technology Department

Kulmanov Azamat Polatuly


tel: +7 (727)-220-81-03 ( ext.1126)



The Institute of Innovation and Additional Education (IDO) was established in 2016 and is a structural unit of the IOC.

The Institute of Innovation and Additional Education includes:

Scientific Center (NC);
Republican Center for Advanced Training of Personnel in the Architectural and Construction Industry (RCPKASO);
Certification Center for Engineering and Technical Workers (ACITR);
Autodesk Certified Center (SC);
KNAUF Consulting Center (CC);
Professional and Preparatory courses (PPK);
The Language Center (LC).
The main objectives of the Institute are to carry out scientific, design and survey work in the architectural and construction industry; to develop additional education programs, advanced training and retraining of personnel.

Head of the IIDO

Kurmankulov Magzhan Mukhtarovich

Contact information: 

Phone number: +7 747 200 00 51

Address: 050043. Office A15, K. Ryskulbekov str., Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan


To date, the acting director of the library is Momysheva Aliya Sauytbekovna. Under her leadership, 9 librarians work in the team. The library staff has weight in the library community of the city, contributes to the professional and spiritual education of students of the Academy.
  The library is a member of the Library Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a member of the Library Association of University Libraries, participates in international and regional conferences, seminars, meetings.
The Academy library is represented on the Internet and has its own e-mail address:
The library is a center for the dissemination of knowledge, spiritual and intellectual communication, and culture. The library’s work is aimed at solving the tasks of forming a comprehensively developed personality of students, assisting in the training of qualified and in-demand specialists and scientific personnel in the labor market.

The Council of Customers and the expert commission were created to bring the goals and objectives of the IOC’s activities closer to the professional interests of society and modern needs in the field of architecture, design, construction industry technology, economics, management, journalism, radio electronics and telecommunications organizations, in the field of tourism services, international relations, and translation.

The Council of Customers and the expert commission is the link between the IOC and state, public, business and commercial organizations, where graduates of the IOC can be in demand as specialists with a high level of fundamental basic and professional special education.

The Board of Customers and the expert commission is an advisory body under the Rector of the IOC and carries out its activities in accordance with the IOC Charter and the norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Board of Customers and the expert commission are accountable to the Academic Council and the Rector of the IOC.

The main tasks of the Council of Customers and the expert commission are:

participation in the development and analysis of planning and methodological documentation based on a combination of research results and fundamental knowledge with their application in production activities;
participation in the creation of flexible curricula, innovative training programs that contribute to improving efficiency and achieving a high level of education in the IOC, training competitive specialists with knowledge at the level of international requirements;
participation in the educational process, including lectures on modern methods and means of production technologies, market relations in domestic and world practice.
Functions of the Customer Council:

making recommendations on the content of educational, methodological and scientific materials developed in the IOC, contributing to the improvement of the educational process and scientific activities;
forming a package of orders and searching for potential employers, providing all possible assistance in finding employment for IOC graduates;
management of course and diploma design, undergraduates, doctoral students;
assistance in finding venues for all types of practices;
participation in the organization and holding of the graduate fair.
Functions of the expert commission:

examination of curricula and programs;
making recommendations on improving the educational process;
making specific proposals for the development of curricula;
regular meetings with students of relevant educational programs;
participation in the development and analysis of planning and methodological documentation;
familiarization of students and teaching staff with advanced methods and technologies in design and construction, new building materials, modern methodologies of economics and management (lectures, consultations, presentations at scientific, practical and methodological conferences, etc.);
participation in the work of the state attestation commission with subsequent analysis of the results of diploma design and defense.

The history of the Publishing House “Construction and Architecture” is closely connected with the history of the International Educational Corporation (IOC) and dates back to 1991. During this period of time, our Publishing House provides the university with books, educational and methodological materials, as well as journal and blanks documentation.
At the moment, the Publishing House “Construction and Architecture” is one of the oldest university publishing houses in our republic, producing scientific, educational and methodological literature on the main branches of knowledge: construction, architecture and design, engineering systems, ecology, economics, natural and humanitarian cycles.
The range of printed products is very diverse: textbooks and textbooks, monographs and collections of conference materials, bio-bibliographic indexes, regulatory literature, as well as scientific journals “Bulletin of KAZGAS”, “Transactions of Kazakh-American University”.
In addition, the Publishing House produces advertising booklets in Kazakh, Russian and English. The output of educational and methodological literature is increasing every year and its quality is improving.

Types of publication:

Educational and methodical publications;
Textbooks for universities;
Training manuals;
Methodological guidelines;
Collections of international and national conferences;
Bulletin of KAZGAS, “Transactions of Kazakh-American University”;
Author’s books;
Bio-bibliographic indexes;
Anniversary books;
Business cards and many other
technical equipment and a high level of professionalism of the Publishing House staff allow us to produce various types of printing products.

List of services:

editing of publications in Kazakh and Russian languages;
computer layout and preparation of the original layout for printing;
printing on a digital color and black-and-white printer in A5 to A3 format;
printing on RISO from A5 to A3;
printing on an A2, A1 format plotter – posters, projects;
folding, picking, sewing on a bracket and trimming blocks;
binding of maps, drawings, diagrams, technicaldocuments in A-3, A-4 format;
thermal transfer;
binding of documentation (archival binding);
binding of accounting journals and many others.
Specialist of the Publishing House “Construction and Architecture”
Ibrasheva Miramgul Aitbayevna
Tel: +7 (777) 226-84-68, +7 (727) 220-81-04
ext. 1139

Editor of the Publishing House “Construction and Architecture”
Yessimkhanova Altyn Eleusizovna
Tel: +7 (707) 882-94-74, +7 (727) 220-81-04
ext. 1140