On November 7, 2024, students of the International educational corporation were awarded certificates of appreciation from the leadership of the Department of Emergency Situations of Almaty, under the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These awards recognized the students’ work in designing the official logo and mascot for the XIII World Championship among Boys and Juniors and the IX World Championship among Girls and Juniors in Fire and Rescue Sports, held from August 13 to 19 under the auspices of the International Sport Federation of Firefighters and Rescuers. Certificates of appreciation were awarded to GD-20-5 group students Dina Azhybekova, Ainur Akkhuan, Aisulu Ryspaeva, Dana Sergazina, and Lyazzat Tleubayeva.
For their assistance in organizing and supporting the championship, IEC Rector, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Margarita Bulatovna Imandosova, and Dean of the Faculty of Design, Candidate of Arts, Alexander Alexandrovich Zimenko, were awarded badges from the Kazakhstan Sports Federation of Firefighters and Rescuers, as well as letters of appreciation from the International Sport Federation of Firefighters and Rescuers.