In March 2024, for the first time in the International Education Corporation, the “MOK FUSION” contest was launched, aimed at unlocking the creative potential, stimulating the active activity of the participants.
On March 15, the final stage of the contest was held, in which 12 duets consisting of students, teachers and staff took part, who demonstrated their unique abilities in various fields of art: singing, dancing, poetry and mastery of musical instruments.
According to the results of the competition, the winners were:
I place – Abdildaeva Alina Bolatovna, teacher of KAU School and Balgazina Sofia, 8th grade student of KAU School;
II place – Musabekov Nazarbek Rasulbekovich, assistant professor of IEC and Kamasheva Zhansaya Askarkyzy, student of the 3rd year of IEC;
III place – Aldibekova Altynai, a teacher of KAZGASA college and Yerikuly Arabiddin, a 2nd year student of KAZGASA college.
In a solemn atmosphere the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Aigazy Amirlanovich Kusainov and Rector of the IEC Margarita Bulatovna Imandosova thanked all the contestants for the bright performance and presented the winners with diplomas and money certificates.