Students of the International Education Corporation took part in the ISA World Congress 2023: “A Society Built for All”, organized in the framework of the World Congress of Architects.
Five students of the Faculty of Architecture, taking the educational program “Architecture of residential and public buildings” – Askarova Alina Kairatovna, Huseynov Georgiy Rominovich, Ibadildina Diana Nygmetovna, Musataeva Deniz Maratovna and Nasihat Kamila Yerlankyzy were selected among the students of the IEC.
Their participation was especially valuable for us, considering that only about 30 students from different countries of the world were selected, and our students were among them.
In the city of Copenhagen in the Royal Danish Academy of Architecture, Design and Conservation (the Royal Danish Academy) within the framework of the congress was also organized a workshop “Society for Every Body”, where our students met with the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, the head of the Institute, mentors of the workshop and other experts.
It is important to note that the congress was attended by more than 6000 participants from 135 countries. The main objective of the congress was to ensure a sustainable future and to engage all students of the world. The congress participants, leading researchers and practitioners from around the world, gathered to discuss measures to combat climate change, increase biodiversity and social inclusion.
We wish our students success in their studies, new and unforgettable openings!