For the first time, 126 students received the rank of junior sergeant of the reserve forces of the armed forces of Kazakhstan and took the military oath within the walls of IEC. This significant event marked an important milestone in the history of both the corporation and military department.
The solemn event was attended by the Deputy Head of the Military Institute of Radio Electronics and Communications, Lieutenant-Colonel Yerzhan Serikpaevich Zhambayev, and a veteran of military operations in other countries, Associate Professor, Colonel of the Reserve Murat Abirovich Rakhimberdi. The Rector of IEC Margarita Bulatovna Imandosova congratulated the first graduates on their successful completion of studies at the military department. The students took the military oath with pride, confirming their readiness to serve their homeland and protect its interests.
The head of the military department at IEC, Colonel Umbet K. D., was awarded a commendation letter on behalf of Minister of Defense R. F. Zhaksylykov.
Congratulations to our students for this important step, and we wish them success in their future service and career.