Memorandum of Cooperation between the International Educational Corporation and the Border Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place.


On May 28, 2024, a signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the International Educational Corporation and the Border Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place. The signing of the Memorandum was preceded by the work of students and teachers of the Architecture faculty on the development of draft proposals for a number of objects for the training ground of the Border Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 34 students and 9 teachers took part in this project.

By the end of the ceremony, students and teachers were awarded diplomas and memorable gifts.

Meeting of the Educational and Methodological Association

The meeting of the Educational and Methodolical Association (EMA-PMG REMS of the MIA RK) on specializations « Architecture and construction» and the section «Design» was performed on within the walls of the International Educational Corporation, Almaty on may 17. The meeting was chaired by the Rector of the IEC Imandosova Margarita Bulatovna.
The event began with a plenary session, which included a greeting from the participants and an introductory speech from the Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan G.S. Dzharasova. The main reports concerned the integration of higher education and production, the newest developments in the construction industry, as well as issues of preserving the historical and cultural heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Considerable attention was paid to the current results of the Atameken NPP rating and to achievements in educational programs in the field of Architecture and Construction, presented by Z.M. Turebekova, Deputy Director for Human Capital Development and International Cooperation of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs in Almaty.
Representatives of the industry voiced an important problem, the issue of personnel shortage for the production of building materials, geodesy and cartography, nevertheless, employers expressed hope for assistance from the relevant ministry in allocating grants to attract applicants to these specialties.
Representatives of the academic community also expressed concern about the long-term lack of grants for doctoral studies in the design field, which entails the inability of graduate doctoral students to defend their dissertation due to the lack of Dissertation councils in the country. The meeting participants also expressed hope for a rational solution to this issue and the assistance of the relevant ministry.
More than 100 representatives of higher and postgraduate education organizations, the academic community, specialists and industry experts took part of meeting and expressed their expert opinions in support of important issues, which underlines the importance of event for the development of educational sphere in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Event participants got acquainted with the material and technical base of the University during a tour in the campus of International Educational Corporation.

XI International Festival

May 16th , 2024, the International Educational Corporation hosted event dedicated to the presentation of the new KazGASA building, with foreign guests, employers-partners, famous architects, builders, KazGASA graduates of different years and rectors of higher educational institutions in Almaty were invited.
As part of the event, the official opening of the UNESCO International Chair for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage took place. The mission of the ceremonial cutting of the red ribbon was entrusted to the Rector of the IEC M.B. Imandossova and the UN Resident Coordinator in Kazakhstan Michaela Friberg-Storey, and she noted that Kazakhstan and Central Asia are treasure troves of cultural heritage, and it is very important to protect and develop it for future generations.
The opening of the UNESCO Department symbolizes a new stage in the development of the educational and scientific spheres of Kazakhstan, helping to strengthen the country’s international status in the field of protection and preservation of cultural heritage.
The opening ceremony of the Urban Research Laboratory was also held. The laboratory was opened with a ceremonial ribbon cutting by:
* L.V. Nysanbaeva, Honored Architect, President of the Union of Urban Planners of Kazakhstan and Head of URBOSTIL LLP, Member of the KAZGASA Board.
* S.A. Fazylov, director of “ARKAZ ENGINEERING” LLP, a leading company in the field of engineering solutions and construction;
* T.A. Ismailov, deputy head of the Department of City Planning and Urbanism of the city of Almaty, Member of the KAZGASA Board.
The goal of the Urban Research Labaratory is to create a platform where young minds, together with experienced professionals, can discuss, develop and implement projects aimed at improving the urban environment.
The opening of this laboratory means not only the beginning of a new era in urban environment research, but also an opportunity for the active participation of students, undergraduates, doctoral students, and young scientists in applied research that can influence the development of our city.
Later on, the symbol of KazGASA were presented to the guests – the Arch of Knowledge: the door to the future, the author of which is Doctor of Architecture, Honorable Professor of KazGASA, Honorary Architect of the Republic of Kazakhstan B.A. Glaudinov.
In a solemn ceremony, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, A.A. Kusainov, laid a time capsule in honor of the start of construction of the new KazGASA dormitory.
At the end of the event, invited guests took part in a symbolic tree planting ceremony. This action will be a good reminder of the start of a new story in the renovated building.

On May 15, the first day of the official presentation of the new building of KazGASA took place.

On May 15, the first day of the official presentation of the new building of KazGASA took place.
Representatives of YPO Kazakhstan, the Parasat business club, as well as businessmen and entrepreneurs were invited to the event.
Invited guests were given a tour of the KazGASA building, renovated after reconstruction, including the digital museum, the museum in memory of Amirlan Aidarbekovich Kusainov and specialized laboratories. KAZGASA SCHOOL was also presented to those present.
As part of this event, the KAZGASA FORUM “Education. Construction. Business”, organized with the support of YPO Kazakhstan, Parasat business club and Tan Media Group.
The plenary session on the topic: “Business and education: investments, quality, opportunities” was attended by residents of the Parasat business club Dosym Besbay and Chingis Akhanov, Chairman of YPO Kazakhstan Kanat Kopbaev and Chairman of the IOC Supervisory Board Aigazy Kusainov. The moderator of the session was the famous Kazakh media manager, professional journalist, owner of Tan Media Group, founder of the Channel 31 TV channel and publisher of Forbes Kazakhstan magazine Armanzhan Baitasov.
During the second plenary session on the topic: “Innovations in the field of construction: cost optimization, quality improvement,” the Founder of Timus Construction and Timus Development Timur Nurtayev spoke.
This forum became an excellent opportunity for the exchange of experiences and ideas between all participants, showing the importance of interaction between education and business.

Victory Day!

Dear Colleagues!
I cordially congratulate you on Victory Day – one of the greatest holidays in the history of our country!
This is the day when we remember and honor the feat of our ancestors. Let their courage be an example for us in work and life!
On this holiday, I wish you good health, happiness, family well-being, success in work and service for the benefit of sovereign Kazakhstan!
With sincere wishes,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Rector of the IEC
M. B. Imandosova

Student spring 2024

On April 22, the annual competition took place – Student Spring 2024, in which students from all faculties of the International Educational Corporation took part. This year, each faculty in its creative performances revealed current problems of society.
As a result of the competition, the winners were:
I place and prize 1,000,000 tenge – Faculty of Design;
II place and prize 750,000 tenge – Faculty of Architecture;
III place and prize of 500,000 tenge – Faculty of Construction Technologies, Infrastructure and Management;

In addition to prizes, the teams were awarded the following nominations:
“Best script” and a prize of 50,000 tenge – faculty of “Kazakh-American University”;
“Best decoration” and a prize of 50,000 tenge – Faculty of “General Construction”.
“Best Choreography” – Faculty of Architecture;
“Best Fans” – Faculty of Design;
“Best stage effect” – faculty of “Kazakh-American University”;
“Best Actress” – Aldyngurova Meruert, 1st year student, Faculty of Architecture;
“Best Actor” – Aymahanbetov Abilkhayyr, 1st year student, Faculty of “General Construction”.
In a solemn atmosphere, IEC Rector Margarita Bulatovna Imandosova thanked all the competitors for their outstanding performances and presented the winners with diplomas and cash certificates.

The IEC has awarded 10 training grants to applicants from regions of the Kazakhstan that were affected by floods.

The IEC has awarded 10 training grants to applicants from regions of the Kazakhstan that were affected by floods.

In March of this year, widespread spring flooding began in Kazakhstan, affecting more than 10 different regions and leaving thousands of residents without homes and livelihoods. The Western, Northern, Central, and Eastern regions of Kazakhstan are still struggling with the aftermath of the floods.

Due to this situation, the IEC has decided to allocate 10 full-time study grants for the affected regions. Applicants will be evaluated by a special committee.

“Today, many of our fellow citizens are facing significant challenges. Many have lost their homes as a result of the floods. We consider it our responsibility to provide support and assistance during this challenging time.” said Aigazy Amirlanovich Kusainov, chairman of the supervisory board of the International educational corporation.

Academic mobility program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the academic year 2024-2025

Dear Bachelor Students of the International Educational Cooperation,

We would like to inform you that the competition for the academic mobility program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the academic year 2024-2025 has been announced.

There are 3 places for Cracow University of Technology, Poland.

Mandatory requirements: Participation is available only for students studying on the government scholarship. Under this program, students in their second and third year of Bachelor’s Degree studies, who are studying on a government scholarship and do not have any disciplinary violations, financial or academic debts, and have a GPA above 3.30, may be nominated for study at foreign universities.

Funding covers:

– Transportation issues

– Visa fees

– Insurance

– Accommodation within the established norms of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

For any inquiries, please contact the International Department (The main administrative building, 1 floor, office №4),

The deadline for application submit is April 15th , during a month the partner university will select candidates, the results are  by May 15th . Semester begins  from October 1st , 2024 to mid-February 2025.

Minimum requirements:

– Official nomination from the Home University  via online form.

– The applicant to  complete at least 1 full academic year of undergraduate study at the Home university  at the time of nomination, 2nd -3rd  year student.

– English level B2 with confirmation in the form of a valid test certificate.

IELTS – 6.0+.

TOEFL- Internet-Based Test (iBT) no less than 87 points, Computer-Based Test (CBT) no less than 180 points + Speaking Test (TSE) no less than 50 points. Paper-Based Test (PBT) at least 500 points + Test of Written English (TWE) at least 3.5 points + Test of Spoken English (TSE) at least 50 points.

Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) – at least 700 points.

Certificate in Advanced English (CAE).

First Certificate in English (FCE).

National Dress Day

On March 18, 2024 in the International Educational Corporation, within the ten-day program “Nauryznama 2024” celebrated “National Dress Day”.

Teachers and students supported the initiative to revive the national identity and noted that the celebration of Nauryz holiday in a new format contributes to the education of patriotism and a sense of pride in their homeland.

MOK fusion 2024 final concert

In March 2024, for the first time in the International Education Corporation, the “MOK FUSION” contest was launched, aimed at unlocking the creative potential, stimulating the active activity of the participants.

On March 15, the final stage of the contest was held, in which 12 duets consisting of students, teachers and staff took part, who demonstrated their unique abilities in various fields of art: singing, dancing, poetry and mastery of musical instruments.

According to the results of the competition, the winners were:

I place – Abdildaeva Alina Bolatovna, teacher of KAU School and Balgazina Sofia, 8th grade student of KAU School;

II place – Musabekov Nazarbek Rasulbekovich, assistant professor of IEC and Kamasheva Zhansaya Askarkyzy, student of the 3rd year of IEC;

III place – Aldibekova Altynai, a teacher of KAZGASA college and Yerikuly Arabiddin, a 2nd year student of KAZGASA college.

In a solemn atmosphere the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Aigazy Amirlanovich Kusainov and Rector of the IEC Margarita Bulatovna Imandosova thanked all the contestants for the bright performance and presented the winners with diplomas and money certificates.