Dear Margarita Bulatovna!

Dear Margarita Bulatovna!

We congratulate you on your birthday!
We wish you good health, happiness, prosperity and success in your professional activity!

On behalf of all the staff and faculty we would like to express our gratitude for your contribution to science and education.
May this year be filled with new opportunities and bright memories for you!

The spartakiade among the staff members and faculty members dedicated to the memory of Kusayynov Amirlan Aidarbekovich was held in the IEC.

The spartakiade among the staff members and faculty members dedicated to the memory of Kusayynov Amirlan Aidarbekovich was held in the IEC.

Competitions were held for 5 days from 08.01.24 to 12.01.2024, on such sports as: basketball, volleyball, darts, mini soccer, chess and so on.
13 teams took part.

On 15.01.2024 on the territory of the mountain resort “Oi-Qaragai” the awarding ceremony took place.
We congratulate the winners and wish them to conquer new heights!

International Education Corporation was paid an official visit by representatives of Charterhouse School.

Representatives of the Charterhouse school visited the international educational corporation on an official visit.

Charterhouse School is an elite secondary school in Great Britain founded in 1611.

The Chairman of the IEC Supervisory Board, Kusainov A.A., met with the guests to discuss the prospects and opportunities for future cooperation between educational institutions. The main topics of the meeting were the exchange of opinions and experiences, as well as discussion of educational and scientific initiatives.

Also, during the visit, representatives of the Charter House school got acquainted with the material and technical base of the IEC, including the KazGASA school.
Representatives of the school Turner Andrew James and Davies Karen Lynn highly appreciated the educational conditions at the IEC and expressed hope for long-term cooperation.

Happy New Year!

Dear colleagues!

I congratulate you on the coming year 2024!

On behalf of the International Educational Corporation I wish you and your family health and success in the New Year, realization of all planned projects and a great start to new ideas!

May the coming year bring only well-being, good luck and prosperity!


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Rector of the IEC

M.B. Imandosova

On 26.12.2023, a solemn ceremony was held to award Coursera certificates to master students and teachers.

On 26.12.2023, a solemn ceremony of awarding Coursera certificates to master’s students and teachers, whose training was organized at the expense of own funds of the International Education Corporation was held.

The Department of Postgraduate Education summarized the results of the pilot project of master’s students training on the global platform of mass online education Coursera.

The result of fruitful work with BMG UpSkill, a partner of the Coursera educational platform in Kazakhstan, was the master’s students of the faculties of architecture, design and general construction mastering the courses “Sustainable Urban Regeneration (Università Bocconi)”, “What Is Contemporary Art? (The Museum of Modern Art)”, “BIM application for engineers (National Taiwan University)”, “Seismology to earthquake engineering (Institut Polytechnique De Paris)”.

Master students studied courses in parallel with special disciplines, according to their educational programs. Also, certificates of Cooperation were awarded to the teachers who successfully completed the training.

On December 25, 2023, the results of the MNVO RK’s annual state science scholarship competition were announced.

December 25, 2023 were announced the results of the annual state scientific scholarship competition held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kultayeva Shynar Malikovna (PhD), Coordinator of the Department of Science became the winner of the State Scientific Scholarship for talented young scientists.

IEC student Temirbolatova Ayana took 2nd place in the Republican Championship of Kazakhstan on togyzkumalak.

IEC student Temirbolatova Ayana took 2nd place in the Republican Championship of Kazakhstan on togyzkumalak.

December 2-11, 2023 in Aktobe city passed the Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan on togyzkumalak.

The 1st year student of KazGASA of the Facilty of General Construction Temirbolatova Ayana, acting in the national team of Pavlodar region, took the 2nd place and became the owner of the silver medal!

On behalf of the IEC we congratulate with the victory and wish new achievements!

Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Independence Day of Kazakhstan!

This significant holiday for our country is associated with hard work and self-discovery of our people on the way to economic stability and social harmony.

This day is filled with pride for our achievements and successes. We have built a democratic, legal and economically independent state. This is the result of unity of Kazakhstanis united by common responsibility for the fate of our country.

May each of us contribute to the development and prosperity of our Motherland, making it even stronger and more prosperous.

Rector of the IEC

Imandosova M.B.

December 15, 2023 International Educational Corporation was visited by a prominent Kazakh political figure

December 15, 2023 International Educational Corporation was visited by a prominent Kazakh political figure, former Akim of Almaty region – Amandyk Gabbasovich Batalov.

Batalov A.G. is a man who made a significant contribution to the development of the construction industry of Kazakhstan. His activity played an important role in the development of infrastructure and contributed to the improvement of public construction projects in the country.

During his visit, a tour of the reconstructed IEC building was organized. A meeting of the Academic Council was held, where Amandyk Gabbasovich was awarded a diploma of honorary professor of KazGASA.

Project trip to Baku

On November 12-17, 2023 Doctor of Architecture, Professor Gulnar Abdirasilova and Candidate of Architecture Leyla Rakhimjanova visited the capital of Azerbaijan – the city of Baku, within the grant project “Regional identity as a factor of sustainable development of architecture of independent Kazakhstan in the context of globalization”.

Our architects held consultations with well-known scientists in the field of Turkic studies – Doctor of Architecture Siyavush Dadash, Doctor of Art History Ertegin Salamzade; met with teachers and students of the Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University (AzASU) and visited the Institute of Architecture and Art History of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, where they familiarized themselves with the latest literature on the topic of research.

In addition to solving specific tasks, our scientists carried out work on dissemination of information about the project and propaganda of achievements of Kazakhstani science. At the meeting held at the Italian-Azerbaijani Design Center at AzASU, Leyla Rakhimjanova made a presentation on “Alma – the symbol of Turan”. During the meeting with the rector of AzASU Gulchohra Mammadova, Prof. G. Abdrasilova donated monographs, textbooks written by her, as well as books on the architecture of Kazakhstan to the library of the university.

Meetings of our scientists with the vice-rector on foreign relations Nargiz Abdullaeva, vice-rector on science and innovations Nigar Aslanova brought fruitful results. There was an exchange of views on the prospects of scientific and methodological cooperation with teachers