On November 23-26, 2023 in Almaty there was held the World Championship on aesthetic group gymnastics. The strongest teams from 16 countries participated in the competition. Abibulla Sanim, a student of the 1st year of IEC, as a member of the National Team of RK took the 1st place and became the World Champion, defending the title of Master of Sports International Class RK.
The IEC staff joined the flash mob “National feeling” from YPO Kazakhstan and supported the initiative to revive national identity by dressing up in national Kazakh costumes.
We hope that this flash mob will help to draw attention to the richness of Kazakh culture and become the beginning of a beautiful tradition.
Let’s together preserve and respect our cultural heritage!
Teachers of the Department of OAP, Danibekova Elvira Temirgalievna (Associate Professor – researcher FA – head of the Grant project) and Onishchenko Yulia Vladimirovna (Assistant Professor FA – researcher of the project), in the framework of the Grant project AR19680138 in the period from 19.11.2023 to 27.11.2023 performed a business trip to Italy to collect materials on the topic of research, exchange experiences on the preservation of cultural heritage, the identification of regional identity in architecture.
Students of the Department of OAP, FA: Abuova Dana, Kanafina Asel and Balmanova Tomiris participated with reports in the Festival “World in Florence” of the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco (Florence). The team was awarded a diploma for III place and nomination for “Best original report”.
On November 21, 2023, the 4th year students of FKAU, taking the educational program “International Relations”, groups IR(20)-4B and MO(20)-4C, under the guidance of Associate Professor of FKAU Taichikova Kuliaikhan Tulegenovna took part in the festival “Languages of the region of specialization: Turkish, Chinese”.
The festival was attended by students of universities and colleges of Kazakhstan, who performed a creative number demonstrating Turkish or Chinese cultures.
The participants received certificates and letters of thanks.
Based on the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 16, 2015 № 124 “On Approval of the Rules for awarding the title “The best teacher of higher education institution”, the 1st (intra-university) stage among teachers was held in the International Education Corporation.
According to the results of evaluations, the indicators of the quality of scientific and pedagogical work of teachers, contribution to the fundamental training of young personnel and the formation of educational and methodological base of educational programs of the International Educational Corporation were identified. According to the results of evaluations, the winners of the inner-university stage of the competition “The best teacher of the university-2023” are announced:
Yelzhanov Yerbol Abdrakhmanovich Yelzhanov, associate professor of FOS;
Sadvokasova Gaukhar Aitmaganbetovna, research professor of FA.
In August, results of the Republican competition of student scholarships of Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation were announced.
We inform that our students of the 3rd and the 4th years of course Qamasheva Zhansaya Askarkyzy (FSTIM, EMC 21-4) and Perdebai Asemay Serikkyzyzy (FOS, RPZS-20-5(21)) were recognized winners of competition and became the owner of special scholarship.
The competition was held to encourage students’ academic, scientific and creative interests.
The scholarship is planned to be provided for one academic year and is paid on a monthly basis for two semesters, excluding the summer period.
We congratulate our students and wish them success in the future!