A movie night for the residents of the House of Students in the International Educational Corporation.

On September 8th, a traditional movie night for the students of IEC was held.

Sabirdinova Sabina Adilkhanovna, Vice-Rector for Social Development and Educational Work, was the guest of the first project and congratulated on the beginning of the academic year. Along with the announcement of the movie night, the questionnaire on the choice of a movie was posted. The poll results showed that Elementarno cartoon got the most votes.

The movie night allowed all the guests to spend the evening in a warm company full of fun. Thanks to the @qap.qarra that organized the film screening, the event was held in an atmospheric and close to the heart way.

Visit of a delegation from China

IEC, Doctor of Technical Sciences Margarita Bulatovna Imandosova, Provost Sabdenaliev B.A., as well as IEC faculty  had a meeting with the delegation from China (Zhejiang College of Construction) in order to establish international relations in the field of science and education.

Margarita Bulatovna made a welcoming speech and thanked the guests for their visit, and also noted the importance of the work done for the recognition of the university and strengthening the international reputation among the countries of the world.

Zhejiang College of Construction is the only full-time higher vocational college in Zhejiang Province. It was founded in 1958 as the Zhejiang School of Construction Industry. The college is recognized as a national quality college in the construction industry and local economic construction. At the end of the meeting, the two sides remained confident of the possibility of establishing joint projects and further enhancing bilateral relations.

The results of the annual Olympiad “Otanga barar zhol” were announced.

On August 9th, the final round of the Olympiad “Otanga bara zhol” was held in the International Educational Corporation.

“Otanga barar zhol” – an unusual Olympiad, which is aimed at supporting our compatriots living far from their native land.

The Olympiad was held in 2 stages, where participants had to make videos related to the history of the Kazakh people.

After evaluation of all stages and careful consideration of the participants’ works, the jury unanimously determined the worthy winners.

The winner of the first place and holder of internal grant for the whole period of training became the finalist – Zhomart Erkesh;

The 2nd place and internal grant for the first 2 years of study was awarded to the finalist – Urmetov Nurlibek;

The winner of the 3rd place and internal grant for the first year of study was given to the finalist – Arman Sulushash.

We would like to thank all participants for your hard work and incredible works in the Olympiad! We congratulate our winners from the bottom of our hearts! We wish you prosperity and success in your new endeavors!

The results of the annual American Education Challenge Olympiad have been announced.

On August 10th, 2023, there was held a solemn awarding ceremony for the winners of the Olympiad “American Education Challenge” in Kazakh-American University.

The Olympiad was held in 3 stages, where participants had to make videos related to the history of KAU.

This year more than 500 participants took part in the annual Olympiad “American Education Challenge”. After evaluation of all stages and careful consideration of the participants’ works, the jury unanimously determined the worthy winners.

They took the first place and won internal grants for the whole period of study:

  1. Zhumat Moldіr Bolatkyzy;
  2. Mamyr Aruzhan Zhumabekkyzy.

2nd place and internal grants for the first 2 years of study were awarded to the following finalists:

  1. Temirlan Shablanovich Zhandarberkov;
  2. Ubekov Alem Bakhytzhanuly;
  3. Omar Akbota Erlanqizi.

We would like to thank all participants for your hard work and incredible work in the Olympiad! We congratulate our winners from the bottom of our hearts! We wish you prosperity and success in new endeavors!

“American Education Challenge” – the beginning of your successful future!

The list of 2023 educational grant recipients has been announced.

You can find the list in our Telegram channel (link in the profile description). All applicants who have won a grant should submit their documents and sign an agreement at the university's admissions office by August 25th. The grant certificate can be downloaded via grant.testcenter.kz. Build your future with us - Join KazGASA! We are located: 28, Ryskulbekova str., Almaty. Our contacts: +7 (800) 070-10-56; +7 (727) 355-10-56

Accepting applications for the state grant competition for graduate programs.

Dear future master students! In the period from August 11th to August 20th (inclusive), 2023, there will be held the reception of applications for participation in the competition for educational grants for Master's degree. Acceptance of documents for the competition of grants will be carried out through the admission committee of the Kazakh Head Architectural and Construction Academy. To participate in the contest, it is necessary to submit the following documents: 1. copy of identity card; 2. a document on higher education (diploma and application); 3. CT certificate; 4. international certificates confirming foreign language skills (if any). A medical certificate in the form 075/u must be submitted upon enrollment. The applicant may indicate one group of educational programs and three universities when submitting documents. The list of grant holders will be published by August 26. Enrollment will be completed on August 28. We wish everyone good luck!

The Public Foundation “Kazakhstan Khalkyna” announces a competition for awarding grants and scholarships.

Dear applicants!

Public Foundation “Kazakhstan Khalkyna” announces a competition for awarding grants and scholarships.

Applicants need to submit an application for a grant and scholarship from the Public Foundation “Kazakhstan Khalkyna” to the admissions committee of the selected organization (university) within the period from 10th to 17th AUGUST.

Criteria for selection of program participants for awarding educational grants and scholarships of the Fund “Kazakhstan Khalkyna” according to the results of competitions held through the Commission of Higher Education:

– The educational grant is nominal without the right of transfer, is given once, and it is not allowed to receive an educational grant for a second higher education;

– The holders of the educational grant are paid tuition fees up to 1 million tenge for the academic year and paid a monthly stipend during the entire period of study in the amount of 40,000 (forty thousand) tenge. Payment of the scholarship is carried out during 10 months (annually), except for period of summer vacation.

The list of candidates for awarding the educational grant is formed by HEI from among the applicants who passed the UNT in the current calendar year and scored the required passing score for admission (taking into account the creativity examinations).

Detailed information is available on the website: qazaqstanhalqyna.kz

Students of International Education Corporation participated in the ISA World Congress 2023.

Students of the International Education Corporation took part in the ISA World Congress 2023: “A Society Built for All”, organized in the framework of the World Congress of Architects.

Five students of the Faculty of Architecture, taking the educational program “Architecture of residential and public buildings” – Askarova Alina Kairatovna, Huseynov Georgiy Rominovich, Ibadildina Diana Nygmetovna, Musataeva Deniz Maratovna and Nasihat Kamila Yerlankyzy were selected among the students of the IEC.

Their participation was especially valuable for us, considering that only about 30 students from different countries of the world were selected, and our students were among them.

In the city of Copenhagen in the Royal Danish Academy of Architecture, Design and Conservation (the Royal Danish Academy) within the framework of the congress was also organized a workshop “Society for Every Body”, where our students met with the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, the head of the Institute, mentors of the workshop and other experts.

It is important to note that the congress was attended by more than 6000 participants from 135 countries. The main objective of the congress was to ensure a sustainable future and to engage all students of the world. The congress participants, leading researchers and practitioners from around the world, gathered to discuss measures to combat climate change, increase biodiversity and social inclusion.

We wish our students success in their studies, new and unforgettable openings!

Started accepting applications for entrance exams to the doctoral program.

DEAR APPLICANTS TO DOCTORAL STUDIES! Applications for admission examinations to doctoral studies will be accepted from July the 12th to August the 3rd at www.app.testcenter.kz. When applying, you can choose only the place (CITY) of testing. Information about the date, time and place (address) will be available in your personal cabinet on August the 9th. Note that you can make changes to the application by group of educational programs, language and place of testing only until the application deadline, i.e. until August 3. The cost of participation in the FEA is 21 072 tenge. IMPORTANT: People with Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Program (TOEFL ITP) have to take an additional English language proficiency test (additional testing) before the start of FEA. Testing Programm (TOEFL ITP) will take an additional English language proficiency test (additional testing) before the start of the FEA. Information about the place and time of the additional testing will be available on August the 4th of this year in the personal account of the incoming applicant. The cost of participation in additional testing is 14,162 tenge; Since last year, applicants must provide a certificate confirming proficiency in the state language in the system KAZTEST; In the doctoral program are accepted persons who have a degree of "MASTER" and work experience of not less than 9 (nine) months or completed training in residency in medical specialties; The passing score for admission to doctoral studies on the state educational order and on a paid basis is 75 points.

Graduation ceremony for IEC graduates.

Dear graduates of bachelor’s and master’s programs of the International Education Corporation!

We congratulate you with the end of your student years and invite you to the graduation ceremony to be held at the Palace of the Republic!

May the acquired knowledge and skills be of benefit to you and to our society! We wish you prosperity and achievement of great heights in your profession!

Date: 10th of July

Venue: 56 Dostyk Avenue, Palace of the Republic, Almaty.