IEC students at the festival “Languages of the region of specialization: Turkish, Chinese”

On November 21, 2023, the 4th year students of FKAU, taking the educational program “International Relations”, groups IR(20)-4B and MO(20)-4C, under the guidance of Associate Professor of FKAU Taichikova Kuliaikhan Tulegenovna took part in the festival “Languages of the region of specialization: Turkish, Chinese”.

The festival was attended by students of universities and colleges of Kazakhstan, who performed a creative number demonstrating Turkish or Chinese cultures.

The participants received certificates and letters of thanks.

Honorable third place: IEC at the city cybersports tournament Alma Cup

On November 11-12th, there was held “ALMA CUP 2023” tournament on cybersports among universities of Almaty.

15 teams from different universities of our city participated in the tournament. IOC team took an honorable 3rd place.

Let’s congratulate our cybersportsmen together!

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of IEC LLP, Aigazy Amirlanovich Kusainov, joins world leaders in YPO

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of IEC LLP, Aigazy Amirlanovich Kusainov became a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO)!

YPO is an international community of business leaders, which unites owners and top managers of companies all over the world.

Congratulations of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Sayasat Nurbek, on the International Day of Students



Based on the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 16, 2015 № 124 “On Approval of the Rules for awarding the title “The best teacher of higher education institution”, the 1st (intra-university) stage among teachers was held in the International Education Corporation.

According to the results of evaluations, the indicators of the quality of scientific and pedagogical work of teachers, contribution to the fundamental training of young personnel and the formation of educational and methodological base of educational programs of the International Educational Corporation were identified. According to the results of evaluations, the winners of the inner-university stage of the competition “The best teacher of the university-2023” are announced:

Yelzhanov Yerbol Abdrakhmanovich Yelzhanov, associate professor of FOS;

Sadvokasova Gaukhar Aitmaganbetovna, research professor of FA.

IEC students are the winners of the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation Scholarship.


In August, results of the Republican competition of student scholarships of Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation were announced.

We inform that our students of the 3rd and the 4th years of course Qamasheva Zhansaya Askarkyzy (FSTIM, EMC 21-4) and Perdebai Asemay Serikkyzyzy (FOS, RPZS-20-5(21)) were recognized winners of competition and became the owner of special scholarship.

The competition was held to encourage students’ academic, scientific and creative interests.

The scholarship is planned to be provided for one academic year and is paid on a monthly basis for two semesters, excluding the summer period.

We congratulate our students and wish them success in the future!

Winners of the Essay Contest for the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!


Essay contest on the topic “My profession – my conscious choice”.

22 works participated in this competition. The competition committee evaluated the efforts of all participants, and is pleased to announce that 4 students deserved prize-winning places:

🏆 Certificate of the 1st degree goes to: Zhakypbek Uldanai (AZhioz-23-23-23)

🥈 Certificate of the 2nd degree is awarded to Bakytbaeva Nazerke


🥈 Abubakirov Daneker (GD-22-8).

🥉 Certificate of the 3rd degree is awarded to Kanafina Asel (AJiOZ-22-24).

Vice-rector for social development and educational work Sabirdinova S.A. presented diplomas and gifts to the winners.

We congratulate the winners and thanking all participants for their creative contribution!

Gulnar Kenzhegazievna Ibraishina, Professor of the Faculty of Design, was awarded with the “Kurmet” medal.

Professor of the Faculty of Design, Ibraishina Gulnar Kenzhegazievna, was awarded with the “Kurmet” medal.

This is a deserved recognition of her contribution to the development of our country and educational system.

We congratulate Gulnar Kenzhegazievna with this outstanding award, which reflects her diligence and talent. Her efforts and dedication to her work. May this order be a symbol of long-awaited changes and inspiration for future generations!

IEC students winners of the World Nomad Center 2023 competition

The project of the IEC team, led by A.M. Kusainov, won the first place in the competition for the best sketch-idea “World Center of Nomads 2023”.

This competition attracted more than 140 architects from 5 countries, who submitted 36 coded works. The prize condition is signing a contract for the realization of the project.

On behalf of the IEC, we congratulate you on a well-deserved and bright victory! We wish you to continue achieving all the highs and strive for more.

IEC undertook a major reconstruction of the training and sports infrastructure


The educational corporation pays special attention to the creation of comfortable and safe learning environment. Today, the structure of IEC includes KazGASA, Kazakh-American University, KazGASA College, “Digital College”, as well as KAU School and KazGASA School. The multifunctional pool of educational institutions provides students with a wide range of educational programs. The Corporation is also actively working to create comfortable and safe conditions for their education and living. Nurlan Koishanbayev, General Director of Verum Design LLP and Verum Construction LLP, described the main stages of the reconstruction of the educational institution.