Faculty of General Construction

A brief history of the faculty

The creation of the faculty began in the 50s with the training of construction specialists at the Kazakh Mining and Metallurgical Institute, and then at the V. I. Lenin Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, the oldest and necessary specialty for the country. Over the long years of its history, the Faculty of General Construction has made a great contribution to the training of highly qualified civil engineers for Kazakhstan.

Specialties of the faculty

Bachelor's degree

"6B07352 - Water supply and sewerage"

The educational program "Water supply and sewerage" is designed to train highly qualified specialists in the field of water management of settlements and industrial enterprises.
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"6B07351 - Heat and gas supply and ventilation"

Heat and gas supply and ventilation are areas of material production, science and technology, including a set of tools aimed at solving complex problems related to the design, installation, operation and reconstruction of heat and gas supply systems, ventilation and air basin protection, industrial, civil and other facilities. Graduates possess innovative design and management technologies to carry out professional activities within the framework of ensuring the high-quality functioning and improvement of heat and gas supply, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
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"6B07322 - Technology of industrial and civil engineering"

After completing the course in the educational program "Technology of industrial and civil construction", the graduate will be a ready-made specialist - a civil engineer who owns modern technologies of design, management, engineering and technical support and operation.
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"6B07342 - Construction of highways and airfields"

Road management and airfield construction is a branch of material production, which includes a set of means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at solving complex tasks related to the design, construction, operation and reconstruction of highways, airfields and other objects of road and airfield complexes.
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"6B07327 - Information technologies in construction"

The educational program combines deep mathematical and programming training, information security disciplines, technologies and methods of developing information systems in the construction sector. Specialists are engaged in the establishment of communication systems and networks, monitor the correctness of their operation, introduce new technologies, install additional equipment, develop software products, etc.
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"6B07321 - Calculation and design of buildings and structures"

Calculation and design of buildings and structures is a construction industry specialized mainly in calculation and design, as well as the construction of civil and industrial facilities. Graduates of the educational program can carry out production and management, design, production and technological, scientific and research activities.
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Master's degree

"7М07322-Engineering systems and networks"

The professional curriculum of postgraduate education with a standard period of 2 years (scientific and pedagogical direction); 1.5 years (profile direction). Apply for a free consultation
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The professional curriculum of postgraduate education with a standard period of 2 years (scientific and pedagogical direction); 1.5 years (profile direction). Apply for a free consultation
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Preparation of a doctoral student with a high scientific, theoretical, research and analytical level, formed professional and managerial competencies, as well as the development of a doctoral student prepared for independent fulfillment of professional tasks and compliance of his training with the requirements of the professional standard and the educational program of doctoral studies.
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Teaching staff

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Jan 14, 2022

career matching

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Moldamuratov Zhangazy Nurzhanovich

Dean of the Faculty of General Construction, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Academic Professor


Shogelova Nazym Tulegenovna

Deputy Dean of A B, Master of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor

Tel./fax: nazym-shogelova@mail.ru

Yelzhanov Erbol Abdrakhmanovich

Deputy Dean for VS and SV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: eljanov@mail.ru

Abakanov Tanatkan

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Ospanov Sergazy Ospanovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Honorary Professor


Maulenov Zhumadilda Karbyshevich

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: maulenov1954@mail.ru

Show all

Khomyakov Vitaly Anatolyevich

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: homyakov@kazgasa.kz khomyakov57@list.ru

Dyusembayev Izim Nasievich

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: mars_52@mail.ru

Karpykov Saken Sadvokasovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor/Acting Associate Professor

Tel./fax: kss@mail.ru

Polyakova Irina Markovna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: PIM8192@mail.ru

Dzhartaeva Dilyara Karsybayevna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: dzhartaeva@kazgasa.kz

Burtsev Viktor Vasilyevich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor/Acting Associate Professor

Tel./fax: bvv@mail.ru

Aubakirova Bakyt Mainyshevna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: aubakirova.baxyt@mail.ru

Nurpeisova Saule Abdrakhmanovna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor/Acting Associate Professor

Tel./fax: ailight@bk.ru

Yesenberlina Dilfruza Ilyasovna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor/Acting Associate Professor

Tel./fax: edi@mail.ru

Taubaldieva Aksaule Sagatullayevna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax:taubaldieva@kazgasa.kz nfe.aksaule@mail.ru

Auelbekov Seilkhan Shadibekovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: auelbekov.s@mail.ru

Slyambayeva Aimash Konyrgazievna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: balweker@mail.ru

Kelemeshev Alpysbay Dzhumagalievich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: kelemeshev@kazgasa.kz

Dubinin Alexander Alexandrovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: alex.dub777@mail.ru

Sadyrov Ruslanzhan Karimzhanovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: srk999@mail.ru

Murzalina Gulshat Bukharbaevna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: gulshat_mb@mail.ru

Nurmaganbetova Ayman Turumovna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor/Acting Associate Professor

Tel./fax: aknur_1972@mail.ru

Makashev Ernar Bakhytzhanovich

Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: makasheve@mail.ru

Kasymova Gulsum Temirkhanovna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel./fax: kasimova_63@mail.ru

Azhgalieva Banu Akkuanovna

Master of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor

Tel./fax: banu_42@mail.ru

Kasabekov Gulbanu Tastanbekovna

Master of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor

Tel./fax: kasabekovag@mail.ru

Dzhumagaliev Talgat Kumargalievich

Master of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor

Tel./fax: t68.05@mail.ru

Kenebayeva Ainur Kerimkulovna

Master of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor

Tel./fax: ainura.kenebayeva@mail.ru

Aldabergenova Gaziza Baurzhanovna

Master of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor

Tel./fax: gaziza_ab@mail.ru

Bryantsev Alexander Alexandrovich

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel./fax: bryancev@kazgasa.kz

Nurgaliev Arman Yurievich

Master of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor


Dzhumadilova Saule Zharkinbekova

Master of Construction, Assistant Professor / Lecturer

Tel./fax: saule_dzhumadilo@mail.ru

Shaidulla Mukhtar Rustambekovich

Master of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor

Tel./fax: mux_94@mail.ru

    История факультета. Истоки образования факультета уходят в 50-ые годы, когда на базе Казахского горно-металлургического института, а затем Казахского политехнического института им. В.И. Ленина велась подготовка специалистов самой старейшей и нужной для страны профессии – строителя. За долгие годы своей истории факультет общего строительства внес огромный вклад в подготовку высококвалифицированных инженеров-строителей для строительного комплекса и строительной индустрии Казахстана. Свыше 60 процентов ведущих специалистов и руководителей крупных строительных компании-выпускники нашего факультета.

 Вот некоторые вехи, характеризующие основные этапы становления и развития Факультета общего строительства:

1957 г. – организован первый набор на строительную специальность «Промышленное и гражданское строительство» в Казахском горно-металлургическом институте.

1959 г. – организована первая кафедра строительного факультета «Строительно дело»  под руководством доктора технических наук, профессора Жармагамбетова Б.С..

1961 г. – из горного факультета выделен инженерно-строительный факультет.

1962 г. – первый выпуск инженеров-строитиелей.   Дипломные проекты А. Т. Аубакирова и Ю. И. Немчинова били признаны образцовыми. Эти выпускники впоследствии стали учеными, докторами технических наук. Дипломы на отлично защитили 18 человек, в числе которых извесиные ученые, педогоги, производственники – Т. Ж. Акбердин, М. М. Сабалаков, М. А. Ашимбаев, А. А. Беспаев, А. Ш. Татыгулов, П. В. Корольков и др. Руководство дипломным проектированием наряду с ППС кафедры осуществляли ведущие специалисты проектных институтов.

1963г. – на строительном факультетет открыта специальность «Теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция».

1964 г. – при факультете было открыто заочное отделение.

В это время факультет становится одним из ведущих в КазПТИ. Уже в первый год своего существования факультет занял второе место в конкурсе художественной самодеятельности «весна в политехническом» «в это время организован «Театр эстрадных миниатюр политехников» (под руководством С.Р.Букейханова). Много раз строители становились чемпионами спартакиад КазПТИ, а позже и ААСИ.

 В 1970-1971 гг. сборная команда преподавателей во главе с капитаном каманды ассоц. проф. факультета Оспановым С.О. дважды завоевала звание чемпиона КазССР среди ВУЗов.

1980г. – образование Алма-Атинского архитектурно-строительного института. На строительном факультете велась подготовка лишь по специальностям ПГС, ТГВ и ВК.

1988-1990 гг. – были открыты две новые специальности «Экономика и организация строительства», которая в дальнейшем перешла на экономический факультет и «Строительные и дорожные машины».

1995-1997 гг. – открыты специальности «Городское строительство и хозяйство», «Механизация и автоматизация строительства», «Защита в чрезвычайных ситуациях».

2000г. – открывается набор в бакалавриат по специальности 5В072900 – «Строительство» по 4 направлениеям.

2003г. – открыта магистратура по специальности 6M072900 «Строительство» и началась подготовка  магистрантов по 5 направлениям.

 В период с 1960 по 1980гг. со специализациями факультета сотрудничали и читали лекции известные отечественные и зарубежные педагоги и ученые: д.т.н., проф. Гвоздев А.А.; д.т.н, проф. Жунусов Т.Ж.; д.т.н., проф. Крылов С. М.; д.т.н., проф. Барашиков А.Я.; д.т.н., проф. Байков В. Н.; д.т.н., проф. Попов Н.Н.; д.т.н., проф. Корф М.;

В разное время сотрудники факультета  поддерживали тесные научные отношения с ведущими учеными СССР: Деминым В.Т. – д.ф-м.н., профессором кафедры теоритической механики МГУ;

Леонтьевым Н.Н. –д.т.н., профессором зам. кафедрой строительной механики МИСИ, профессорами МИСИ – д.т.н. Кореневым Б.Г., д.т.н. Клейном Т.К., д.т.н., проф. Розиным Л.А. – зав. кафедрой строительной механики МнПТИ, член-корреспондентом АН КазССР, д.ф-м.н. профессором Сапа В.А. – зав. кафедрой теоритической механики КазГУ.

На развитие и становление факультета большое влияние оказали крупнейшие научные и учебные центры: МГУ им. Ломоносова, МГСУ, МАДИ, ЦНИИСК им. Кучеренко, КазГУ, КазНТУ.




Факультет сегодня:

Сегодня на факультете работает 44 ППС и 3 сотрудника. Из них 3 – почетных профессора, 6 – академических и 22 ассоциированных профессоров, 13 ассистентов профессоров.

Декан факультета – д.т.н., проф. Бесимбаев Е.Т., выпускник Строительного факультета ААСИ 1981г.

            Ведущие преподаватели факультета участвуют в работе УМС МОН РК (учебно-методическая секция Министерства образования и науки РК), являются авторами ГОСО специальности «Строительство», разработанными в 2004, 2006  и 2011гг, обязательными для всех вузов, осуществляющих подготовку по строительным специальностям. На факультете разрабатываются типовые и рабочие программы по дисциплинам специальности „Строительство“.

             Преподаватели факультета являются авторами учебников и учебных пособий, рекомендованных УМС Министерством образования и науки РК, участвует во внедрении современных образовательных технологий.  

             Образовательная деятельность. В настоящее время факультет обучает студентов  по бакалавриату и магистратуре  специальности «Строительство» по  следующим специализациям:

  • Расчет и проектирование зданий и сооружений (РПЗС);
  • Технология промышленного и гражданского строительства (ТПГС);
  • Тепло- газоснабжение и вентиляция (ТГВ)
  • Водоснабжение и канализация (ВК)
  • Проектирование и монтаж металлических конструкций (открылась в 2011г)

        Для повышение эффективности подготовки высокопрофессиональных специалистов   на факультете созданы все условия  полноценного качественного образования на всех уровнях.  Конкурентоспособный уровень образовательного процесса и образовательных программ факультета, как по содержанию, так и по качеству образовательных услуг, учитывающих интересы и способности личности, соответствуют международным стандартам.

         В настоящее время в учебном процессе увеличена доля  активных, проблемно-стимулирующих, интерактивных методов обучения.   При изучении базовых и профилирующих дисциплин широко применяются современные  компьютерные программы, как “Лира”, “Мираж”, “Автокад”, “Скад”, “Пакет”, “Мономах”, «Рама”. С помощью программы MatLab проводятся лабораторные работы и исследуются механические системы, проводится моделирование энергетических систем; разработаны М-файлы для компьютерного расчета курсовых проектов.

        На факультете обучается более 1250 студентов бакалавриата, из них 700 – по очной форме  и 550 – по заочной.

        На сегоднешний день 68 магистранта специальности 6M072900 «Строительство» получают углубленные знания по выбранному направлению и участвуют в проведении научно-исследовательской работы под научным руководством ведущих ученых факультета. Кроме профессоров факультета для руководства магистерскими диссертациями привлекаются ученые из ведущих научно-производственных предприятий Алматы. Так часть магистрантов имеют руководителей из КазНИИССА, ПроектСтальконструкция, ТОО «Базис» и других ведущих строительных компаний.

 Ежегодно в стенах академии по строительным специальностям выпускается более пятисот высококвалифицированных специалистов.

 Научно-исследовательская работа. Научный потенциал факультета составляет 12 докторов и 18 кандидатов технических наук, одна кандидат педагогических наук и два магистра. Только за 2009-10гг были успешно защищены четыре докторские диссертации (Байтурсунов Д.М., Бесимбаев Е.Т., Мауленов Ж.К., Хомяков В.А.) и три кандидатских диссертации (Таубалдиева А.С., Сагыбекова А.О., Сейтказинов О.Д.)

Основными направлениями научных исследований факультета являются:

  • статическая и динамическая устойчивость зданий и сооружений на склонах, технология обеспечения устойчивости основания (ассоц. проф., д.т.н.Бесимбаев Е.Т.);
  • конструктивные решения сборно-разборных и складывающихся металло-тентовых сооружений (акад. проф., д.т.н. Байтурсунов Д. М.);
  • проектирование подземных сооружений, подпорных стен, исследование устойчивости откосов и склонов грунтовых массивов и проектирование оснований сооружений (ассоц. проф., д.т.н. Хомяков В. А.);
  • исследование и разработка оптимальных вариантов оснований и фундаментов на намывных грунтах (ассоц. проф., к.т.н. Оспанов С. О.);
  • нелинейные задачи расчета оболочек покрытий (акад.проф., д.т.н. Достанова С.Х.)
  • вопросы селезащиты сооружений и мероприятий (ассоц.проф., к.т.н. Базаров Р.Б.);
  • вопросы обследования зданий и сооружений и методы их усиления и реконструкции (ассоц. проф., к.т.н.Жансеитов М.Ф., к.т.н. Келемешев А.Д.);
  • исследования по совершенствованию рабочих органов землеройных и землеройно-транспортных машин (акад. проф., д.т.н. Мауленов Ж. К., к.т.н.  Бурцев В. В.);
  • решение инженерно-экологических задач современных систем ТГВ (акад. проф., к.т.н. Пяк О.Ю, к.т.н. Ауельбеков С.Ш., ассоц. проф. Алиев Б.З.);
  • инженерно-экологические проблемы современных систем ВК(ассоц проф, д.т.н. Тойбаев К.Д., к.т.н.  Джартаева Д.К., к.т.н.  Таубалдиева А.С., к.т.н.  Джунусов Т.Г.);

Профессорско-преподавательский состав факультета проводит научные исследования строительных конструкций с учетом мирового опыта в области проектирования зданий и сооружений. Только за последние 10лет по результатам научных исследований сотрудники факультета получили около 140 авторских свидетельств на изобретения, патенты, опубликовали свыше 15 монографий и около 600 публикаций в различных научных сборниках и журналах, в том числе 10 учебников на казахском и русском языках, 12 учебных пособий, 150 научных статей, организовали и провели 13 научно-практических конференций и участвовали в 8 республиканских студенческих конференциях.         

            Факультет ежегодно организует и проводит  Международную конференцию „Теоретические и экспериментальные исследования строительных конструкций“, на которой обсуждаются вопросы по строительным конструкциям, строительной механике, технологии строительного производства и строительных материалов, строительным машинам и механизмам, электроснабжению и экономике в строительстве. Проводится ежегодная студенческая конференция на тему „Студенты и наука: взгляд в будущее“.

Международная деятельность. Факультет общего строительства располагает обширными связями со многими вузами и предприятиями дальнего и ближнего зарубежья, имеет активную творческую связь с отраслевыми и академическими научно-исследовательскими институтами, организациями, предприятиями, в частности: с Кумохским технологическим институтом г. Сеул профессором Ki-Tac-Chang, НПО ВНИИстройдормаш, НПО ВНИИземмаш, ЦНИИИС, МГСУ (бывший МИСИ), ОГАСА, (КИСИ), (ПГАСА), Днепропетровским строительным институтом, Волгорадским архитектурно-строительным университетом, СибАДУ, МАДИ, КГУСТА, ТашПИ, Ташкентским институтом ирригации и мелиорации, Таджикским техническим университетом, кафедра ПСМиК Пензенского регионального центра инновационных исследований, с американской компанией «Manual».

Начиная с 1960 года с факультетом сотрудничали по научно методической работе и читали лекции известные отечественные и зарубежные педагоги и ученые: д. т. н., проф. Гвоздев А. А.; д. т. н., проф. Крылов С. М.; д. т. н., проф. Барашиков А. Я.; д. т. н., проф. Байков В. Н; д. т. н., проф. Попов Н. Н.; д. т. н., проф. Корф М.; д. т. н., проф. Данилов Н. Н.; д. т. н., проф. Зубков В. И.; д. т. н., проф. Менейлюк В. И.; д. т. н. проф. Жунусов Т. Ж. д. т. н. проф. Волков Д. П., Абаканов Т.Д., Беспаев А.А., Байнатов Ж.Б. и др.


Связь с производством. Факультет имеет тесные контакты с ведущими проектными и строительными компаниями Республики: «Базис», «Алматыкурылыс», «Алматыгорстрой», «Алматыкульбытстрой», «Элитстрой», «Казстройсервис», «ТS-Engineering», КазНИИССА, КАZGОR, Имсталькон, СЕРТ; АО «Холдинг Алматы Су», ДГП ГНПОПЭ «Казмеханобр», ТОО «STANDART-GROUP Ltd», ТОО «Инжиниринговая компания «КазГипроНефтеТранс», АО «Промвентиляция», АО «Алматинские газовые сети» и др. Для развития практических навыков по профилирующим дисциплинам факультет имеет филиалы в организациях: АМФ-1 АО «Имсталькон» (дисциплина «Технология строительного производства»), АО «Серт» (дисциплина «Технология строительного производства»), КазНИИССА (дисциплина «Строительные конструкции»), Инжстрой (дисциплина «Механизация, электрификация и автоматизация строительства»). Открытие филиалов расширяют возможности в организации студенческих практик и проведение совместных учебно-методических и научных исследований. Специализации факультета активно используют возможности своего филиала, открытого в КазНИИССА для организации учебной и производственной практик студентов, а также научных исследований магистрантов.


6B07352 - Water Supply and Sewerage

Educational program 6B07352 “Water Supply and Sewerage” is aimed at training specialists, in the field of life support in residential and public, office buildings, industrial and manufacturing enterprises (mining, oil and gas and oil refining, machine-building), where production processes require the provision of resources necessary for this – water supply and drainage, The program is focused on the requirements of domestic and international labor markets, providing graduates with the knowledge and skills for the effective and efficient use of water and sewage.


Purpose of the educational program:

The aim of the program is to train qualified specialists in the field of water supply and sewerage, capable of solving complex engineering problems, designing and operating water supply and sewerage systems, as well as managing the relevant processes in accordance with the qualification framework for a specialist in the Republic of Kazakhstan.



– Mastering advanced technologies and methods in the field of water supply and sewerage.

– Development of skills in design and operation of water supply and sewerage systems.

– Knowledge of normative and regulatory documentation.

– Opportunity to work in prestigious domestic and international organizations.

– Participation in research projects and innovative developments.


Studied modules:

– Industrial water supply and wastewater disposal;

– Smart Water Technology;

– Integrated use of water resources;

– Water Supply and Drainage Systems;

– Water Transportation;

– Water intake structures;

– Hydraulics;

– Water Chemistry and Microbiology;

– Operation of water supply and sewerage facilities;

– Pumps and pumping stations;

– Sanitary and technical devices of buildings;

– Hydrology and Hydraulic Structures;

– Sewage sludge utilization;

– Water Purification Technology;

– Technology of engineering systems;

– Technical Operation of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems



Graduates of the program will be able to work as design engineers in the field of water supply and sanitation, engineers in design organizations, construction and maintenance companies as a designer of internal and external engineering systems, engineers for the operation of engineering systems and equipment. They will be in demand in the design, construction and operation of water supply and sewerage systems, as well as in the management of these processes. Graduates will be able to take up positions as engineers, designers, researchers and managers capable of contributing to the development of water supply and sanitation infrastructure in the Republic of Kazakhstan and beyond. The program provides ample opportunities for career growth and professional development in the field.

6B07351 - Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation

The educational program 6B07351 “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” is aimed at training highly qualified specialists in the field of heat and gas supply and ventilation. The program provides the necessary knowledge and practical skills to perform professional functions in this field, demanded in the domestic and international labor markets.

Purpose of the educational program:

The purpose of the program is to train specialists with professional competencies, knowledge and practical skills in the field of heating, gas supply and ventilation. The program teaches design, installation, operation and management of engineering systems of heat and gas supply and ventilation, as well as research work.


  • Mastering of modern information and computer technologies in design and management.
  • Acquisition of skills of strategic planning and coordination of enterprises.
  • Development of professional competences in organization and management of production processes.
  • Opportunity to participate in research and development activities.
  • Comprehensive training, including polylingual training and the study of economics in construction.

Studied modules:

            – Social-humanitarian and additional training

            – Multilingual training

            – Life Safety (LSE) and Economics in Construction

            – Basic Computer Technology

            – Natural-science training

            – Thermal protection of buildings and constructions

            – Basic engineering training

            – Energy supply system of buildings and constructions

            – System of cold supply and ventilation of buildings and constructions

            – Gas supply system

            – Water supply and sewerage

            – Technology of construction production


Graduates of the program will be able to work in design and construction organizations, design and management of engineering networks, as well as conduct research and development work. They will be in demand for innovative organizational and management activities, including strategic planning and project coordination. The program offers great opportunities for career growth and professional development in the field of heating, gas supply and ventilation.

6B07322 - Technology of industrial and civil construction

Educational program 6B07322 “Technology of industrial and civil construction” is designed to train qualified specialists in the field of construction, in demand in the domestic and international labor markets. The program includes the study of modern technologies and principles of erection of buildings and structures, as well as the mastering of information technologies of design.


Purpose of the educational program:

The purpose of the program is to train specialists with professional competencies in the field of technology of erection of buildings and structures. The program teaches the basic principles of design and technology of construction works, work with normative documentation, as well as rational organizational and technological decision-making in construction.



            – Development of professional competencies in the field of construction.

            – Learning the basic principles of design and technology of construction works.

            – Skills in working with normative and regulatory documentation.

            – Ability to make rational organizational and technological decisions.


Studied disciplines:

            – Engineering and computer graphics

            – Water supply and sewerage systems

            – Theoretical mechanics

            – Building materials

            – Architecture of low-rise buildings

            – Building constructions

            – Resistance of Materials

            – Architecture of Civil Buildings

            – Design of energy efficient buildings and constructions

            – Systems of heat and gas supply and ventilation

            – Fundamentals of Building Construction Technology

            – Project Management and Innovation Management

            – Architecture of industrial buildings

            – Fundamentals of geology and engineering surveys

            – Construction machinery and equipment

            – Design of reinforced concrete structures I and II

            – Modern computer calculations

            – Design of metal structures I and II

            – Eurocodes in construction

            – Information technologies of project management

            – Construction Production Technology I, II and III

            – Earthquake-resistant construction

            – Normative and technical documentation in construction

            – Electricity supply in construction

            – Soil Mechanics

            – Ecology and Life Safety (LSS)

            – Basics of law and anti-corruption culture

            – Basics of financial literacy

            – Estimating in construction

            – Technology of reconstruction of buildings and constructions

            – Technical exploitation of buildings and constructions

            – Quality control of construction and installation works

            – Technological support of construction objects

            – Technology of repair works

            – Organization of construction production

            – BIM-technologies in design of buildings and constructions



Graduates of the program will be able to work in design and construction organizations, research institutions and educational institutions. They will be able to hold positions related to design and construction activities, innovative organizational and management activities and research and development. The program provides ample opportunities for career growth and professional development in the construction industry.

6B07342 Construction of highways and airfields

The educational program “Construction of highways and aerodromes” is aimed at training highly qualified specialists for the highway and road sector of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The program covers engineering, research, management and organizational aspects of design, reconstruction, construction and operation of highways, airfields and other objects of road complex.


Purpose of the educational program:

The purpose of the program is to train specialists capable of independent engineering, research, managerial and organizational activities in the field of design, reconstruction, construction and operation of highways and airfields. The program trains to perform calculation-design and technical-economic tasks, as well as to manage production processes in this field.



  • Comprehensive training covering all aspects of design, construction and operation of roads and airfields.
  • Mastering of modern technologies and methods of calculations and design.
  • Development of organizational and management skills and optimal decision-making.
  • Participation in research projects and experimental developments.
  • Possibility to perform expert and consulting activities.


Studied disciplines:

  • Engineering and computer graphics
  • Water supply and sewerage systems
  • Theoretical Mechanics
  • Building materials
  • Architecture of low-rise buildings
  • Building constructions
  • Resistance of Materials
  • Architecture of Civil Buildings
  • Design of energy efficient buildings and constructions
  • Systems of heat and gas supply and ventilation
  • Fundamentals of Building Construction Technology
  • Project Management and Innovation Management
  • Architecture of industrial buildings
  • Fundamentals of geology and engineering surveys
  • Construction machinery and equipment
  • Design of reinforced concrete structures I and II
  • Modern computer calculations
  • Design of metal structures I and II
  • Eurocodes in construction
  • Information technologies of project management
  • Construction Production Technology I, II and III
  • Earthquake-resistant construction
  • Normative and technical documentation in construction
  • Electricity supply in construction
  • Soil Mechanics
  • Ecology and Life Safety (LSS)
  • Basics of law and anti-corruption culture
  • Quality control of construction and installation works
  • Technological support of construction objects
  • Technology of repair works
  • Organization of construction production



Graduates of the program will be able to work in design and construction organizations, as well as in research institutions and educational institutions. They will be in demand to perform calculation-design, organizational-administrative, production-technological and operational tasks. In addition, graduates will be able to engage in scientific, experimental and research, legal, expert and consulting activities, as well as teaching in institutions of secondary and vocational education. The program opens wide opportunities for career growth and professional development in the construction industry of highways and airfields.

6B07327 Information Technologies in Construction

The 6B07327 Information Technology in Construction educational program is aimed at training professionals proficient in modern information technology and its application in the construction industry. The program covers a wide range of knowledge and skills required to effectively use digital tools in the design, management and operation of construction projects.

Purpose of the educational program:

The goal of the program is to prepare qualified professionals capable of implementing and applying information technology in various aspects of the construction process. The program teaches the use of modern digital tools to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and quality of construction.


– Mastery of modern information technology and software used in construction.

– Development of digital design and modeling (BIM) skills.

– Acquisition of knowledge in construction project management using information technology.

– Learning methods of automation and optimization of construction processes.

– Opportunity to participate in innovative projects and scientific research in the field of information technology in construction.

Studied disciplines:

– Social and humanitarian training

– Multilingual training

– Basic computer technologies

– Natural-science training

– Engineering Graphics

– Architectural constructions

– Building Materials

– Theoretical Mechanics

– Resistance of materials

– Water supply and sewerage systems

– Thermal protection of buildings and constructions

– Energy supply systems of buildings and constructions

– Systems of cold supply and ventilation

– Gas supply system

– Basics of geology and engineering surveys

– Construction machinery and equipment

– Design of reinforced concrete and metal structures

– Information technologies of project management

– BIM-technologies in construction

– Project management and innovation management

– Normative and technical documentation in construction

– Ecology and Life Safety (LSS)

– Basics of law and anti-corruption culture

– Basics of financial literacy

– Technology of construction production

– Quality control of construction and installation works

– Technical exploitation of buildings and constructions


Graduates of the program will be able to work in design and construction organizations, research institutions, and educational institutions. They will be in demand for tasks related to the implementation and use of information technologies in construction projects, project management, process automation and increasing the efficiency of construction. Graduates will also be able to engage in academic and research activities, participate in innovative projects and contribute to the development of the construction industry through digital technologies. The program provides ample opportunities for career growth and professional development in the field of information technology in construction.

6B07321 - Calculation and Design of Buildings and Structures

The educational program 6B07321 “Calculation and Design of Buildings and Structures” is designed to train highly qualified builders, capable of performing design and innovative organizational and management activities. The program covers theoretical and practical aspects of construction, application of modern information technologies and BIM-technologies.


Purpose of the educational program:

The purpose of the program is to train construction workers in demand in both domestic and international labor markets. The program is focused on the development of skills and knowledge in the field of design of buildings and structures, application of building codes, engineering graphics and 3D-modeling, as well as the use of automated engineering modeling.



– In-depth study of theoretical and practical aspects of building science.

– Mastering of modern BIM-technologies and information modeling.

– Skills in developing engineering and innovative concepts of construction solutions.

– Possibility of using automated engineering and technical modeling tools.

– Development of scientific, professional and business communication skills.


Studied modules:

– Socio-humanitarian training

– Multilingual training

– Basic computer technologies

– Natural science training

– Basic engineering training

– Life Safety and Economics in Construction

– Architectural Structures

– Engineering Mechanics

– Engineering systems of buildings and constructions

– Building machines and power supply in construction

– Information modeling in construction

– Design of reinforced concrete structures

– Design of metal structures

– Geotechnics in construction

– Construction production technology

– Testing and design of non-typical buildings and structures



Graduates of the program will be able to work in design and engineering organizations, engaged in the development and design of construction projects using information technology and BIM-technologies. They will be in demand for innovative organizational and management activities, strategic planning and coordination of construction projects. In addition, graduates will be able to engage in research and pedagogical activities, holding senior positions in the construction and housing and utilities sector.

7M07322 Engineering Systems and Networks

Educational program 7M07322 “Engineering Systems and Networks” is aimed at training highly qualified scientific and pedagogical specialists in the field of design and operation of engineering systems. Graduates of the program receive advanced knowledge and skills necessary for work in the sphere of higher and secondary professional education, research and design institutions.

Purpose of the educational program:

The purpose of the program is to train qualified specialists, in demand both in the domestic and international labor markets. The educational program provides methodological knowledge in the field of scientific research and innovative professional knowledge in the field of engineering systems and networks design.


– In-depth methodological knowledge in scientific research.

– Practical skills in designing engineering systems using modern calculation programs.

– Training in modern eco-protective and energy-saving technologies.

– Opportunity to work in prestigious research and design institutions, as well as in educational organizations.

Studied disciplines:

– History and philosophy of science

– Foreign language (professional)

– Pedagogy of higher school

– Fundamentals of scientific research

– Design of engineering systems using modern calculation programs

– Effective ecoprotective technologies in engineering systems

– Designing modern energy-saving technologies of heat and gas supply and ventilation systems

– Methods of scientific and experimental research in engineering systems

– Innovative technologies in engineering systems

– Actual problems of operation of modern engineering systems

– Peculiarities of heat networks design

– Peculiarities of design of external water supply and sewerage networks

– Use of renewable energy sources in water supply and sewerage systems

– Design and calculation of engineering communications in systems of heat and gas supply and ventilation of urban neighborhoods

– Design and calculation of engineering communications in the systems of water supply and sewerage of urban neighborhoods

– Modern equipment and devices of heat and gas supply and ventilation systems

– Modern equipment and devices of water supply and sewerage systems


Graduates of the educational program will be able to hold leading positions in educational institutions, research and design organizations. Possible positions include teacher, chief engineer, researcher, department or organization manager. The program provides ample opportunities for career growth and professional development in the field of engineering systems and networks.

7M07321 Construction

The educational program 7M07321 Construction is aimed at training masters with advanced knowledge in scientific, pedagogical, research and construction activities. The program covers new directions of modern construction industry and trains in methods of conducting both fundamental and applied scientific research.


Purpose of the educational program:

The goal of the program is to prepare master’s students with advanced knowledge and skills to work in scientific, pedagogical, research and construction activities. Graduates will be able to effectively apply modern methods and technologies in the construction industry and engage in scientific research.



– In-depth study of new directions in the construction industry.

– Practical skills in the design of building structures with the application of Euronorms.

– Training in basic and applied research methods.

– Opportunity to work in prestigious research and design institutions, as well as in educational organizations

– Studied disciplines:

– History and philosophy of science

– Foreign language (professional)

– Pedagogy of higher school

– Psychology of management

– Fundamentals of scientific research

– Designing of building structures with application of Euronorms

– Ecological safety and life support of construction objects

– Theory of elasticity

– Information modeling of construction processes

– Numerical methods in building mechanics

– Peculiarities of building design in seismic regions

– Reconstruction and strengthening of buildings and constructions

– Manufacturing and installation of metal structures

– Engineering expertise and economic substantiation of projects

Inspection, technical condition assessment and seismic strengthening of buildings and constructions

– Geotechnical problems in construction

– Foundations in complicated geological conditions

– Computer calculation complexes

– Calculation complexes in modern design



Graduates of the educational program will be able to hold leading positions in educational institutions, research and design organizations. Possible positions include instructor, chief engineer, researcher, department or organization manager. The program provides ample opportunities for career growth and professional development in the construction industry.

8D07321 Civil Engineering

The educational program 8D07321 “Construction” is aimed at training highly qualified doctoral students with deep scientific-theoretical knowledge and research-analytical skills. The program forms professional and managerial competencies necessary for independent performance of complex professional tasks in the field of construction.

Purpose of the educational program:

The aim of the program is to prepare doctoral students with high scientific-theoretical and research-analytical level. The program is focused on the development of skills and competencies necessary to perform professional tasks that meet the requirements of the professional standard and educational program of doctoral studies.


– Development of deep scientific-theoretical knowledge and research skills.

– Mastering of modern technologies and methods of digital modeling with the use of BIM technologies.

– Preparation to fulfill complex professional tasks and managerial functions.

– Opportunity to work in senior positions in the construction industry as well as in higher education.

Disciplines studied:

– Academic writing

– Research Methods

– Digital modeling of research objects using BIM technology

– Modern geotechnical research and technological solutions

– Information modeling of construction processes

– Modern technologies in construction production


Graduates of the educational program will be able to occupy high positions in the field of construction, as well as in the field of engineering and technology. They will be in demand in the field of higher education and will be able to hold managerial positions in research and design institutions, construction companies and government agencies. The program provides ample opportunities for career growth and professional development in the construction industry.