Faculty of Design

A brief history of the faculty

In 1992, in the year of the transformation of AASI into KAZGAS, on the basis of the Faculty of Architecture, on the initiative of Yuri Igorevich Bakhmutov, a new specialty was opened – "Design of the architectural environment". At the same time, the Department of Design was opened for the first time in Kazakhstan. The department was greatly assisted by the Union of Designers of Kazakhstan headed by Timur Bimashevich Suleimenov and the Almaty Center for Contemporary Art and its director Valeria Ibraeva. Thanks to the enthusiasm and exceptional organizational qualities of the head Yuri Bakhmutov, a lot of work has been done to create a special design space within the walls of KAZGAS, which has become a home for many teachers and students. His comrades and like–minded people helped him in this - Alim Ravilevich Sabitov, Layla Rymbekovna Turganbayeva, Pavel Petrovich Savranchuk, Nelly Mikhailovna Uteeva. A new design concept of design education has emerged, which was special among many other universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which so far perceive and implement only its artistic aspects.

Specialties of the faculty

"6B02125 - TV and video design"

In this course, the student will gain knowledge about the design of various objects of television and staged design aimed at forming the interaction of visual culture achievements with the viewer, in accordance with modern innovative technologies
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"6B02124 - Fashion Design"

A fashion designer is engaged in designing and creating outfits that match modern fashion trends. This is an extensive specialty that includes the duties of a fashion designer and designer
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"6B02123 - Industrial design"

The course "Industrial Design" combines art, technology and marketing – the three constituent elements of this direction in design. Industrial designers, being representatives of a versatile and multifaceted profession, are looking for high-quality prototypes, analyze ready-made solutions, optimize and create improved prototypes
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"6B02122 - Graphic design"

Graphic designers find visual solutions for the design of the urban environment, the stylization of printing materials and Internet resources, for creating a brand of commercial products or companies themselves, as well as for the development of advertising blocks.n"
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"6B02121- Architectural design"

Architectural design includes the design of various architectural design objects aimed at creating a comfortable object-spatial environment. An architectural environment designer designs rooms, plans interiors, develops navigation and combines the beauty of your environment with functionality.
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Teaching staff

Zimenko Alexander Alexandrovich

Dean of the Faculty of Economics, PhD, Associate Professor

Uzakbayev Turar Kuanyshevich

Head of the Department of Architectural Design, Associate Professor, Doctor of PHD

Kaltay Nazerke Nurlanovna

Deputy Dean for VS and SV , Master of Science, Assistant Professor

Shahizada Sainbekovna Turganbayeva

Head of the Department of Product Design, Associate Professor, Doctor of PHD

Chiknoverova Karina Vitalievna

Head of the Department of Graphic and Media Design, Master of Science, Specialist, Assistant Professor

Imanbayeva Zhanerke Askhatovna

Head of the Department of Product Design, PhD, Associate Professor

Nurkusheva Lyazzat Tuleuovna

Doctor of Science, Research Professor

Akhmedova Aizhan Timurovna

Doctor of Architecture, Professor

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Ibraishina Gulnara Kenzhegazievna

Candidate of Sciences, Professor

Derbisova Maria Abduvakitovna

Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor

Amandykova Dina Abilmazhinovna

Candidate of Sciences, Research Professor

Khasenov Miras Manasovich

Head of Laboratory

Vasko Igor Dmitrievich

Master of Science, Assistant Professor

Akhmerova Diana Radionova

Master of Science, Assistant Professor

Tulebiev Abduali Tolegenovich

Specialist, Associate Professor

Kadyrbek Bayan

Master of Science, Assistant Professor

Nurbai Saule Kurbanbekovna

Master of Science, Associate Professor

Mayketova Mainur Nurbaevna

Master of Science, Assistant Professor

Shotanova Aigul Gazizovna

Master of Science, Assistant Professor

Mukhtarova aya Serikbayevna

Master of Science, Assistant Professor

Smagulova Lyazzat Amanzholovna

Master of Science, Assistant Professor

Rasheva Sandugash Dosmagambetovna

Master of Science, Assistant Professor

Faizov Tilek Zhanarbekuly

Master of Science, Specialist, Assistant Professor

Turganov Shalkar Aidynovich

Master of Science, Assistant Professor

Hare Inna Mikhailovna

Specialist, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

Myrzakhmetova Saltanat Torekulovna

Specialist, assistant Professor

Nigmetova Ardak Amantaevna

Specialist, assistant Professor

Gabbasova Elvira Alfitovna

Specialist, assistant Professor

Kozhagulov Tokkozha Mukazhanovich

Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor

Ignatieva Natalia Viktorovna

Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor

Dobrovolskaya Oksana Georgievna

Specialist, assistant Professor

Khasenov Nurlan Orazovich

Specialist, assistant Professor

Vasko Tatyana Vladimirovna

Specialist, assistant Professor

Lobanova Alina Nailyevna

Specialist, assistant Professor

Zhedelov Kurmangazy Orazovich

Doctor of Science, Professor

Beisebekova Gaukhar Dosalievna

Master of Science, Assistant Professor

Malaeva Ainur Almasovna

Master of Science, Assistant Professor

Tomina Irina Vasilyevna

Specialist, assistant Professor

Jumabekova Karina Sagindi

Master of Science, tutor

Kalymbetova Zhanerke Saylaubekovna

Master of Science, tutor

Galimzhanov Said Edilevich

TV and video design

Multimedia design is now the most innovative and sought-after type of design creativity. Students of the Educational Program “TV-video design” students work on various creative projects and modern media products. Among them are the study of photography, photography, color and special effects, the development of video and animation clips, motion design, the creation of short films, the creation of video game concept art, etc. Graduates of the TV-Video Design OP find jobs in various film companies, advertising agencies, animation studios, game design studios and other creative segment firms.

Advantages: Students study the basics of film production, taking into account the various features of different periods of the film process. The professional portfolio of such students includes complex short films with visual effects, conceptual solutions for video games, mobile applications, animated videos and other types of digital content. Also, programs such as the Adobe package (Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Animation), Da Vinci Resolve, Blender and other media content editors are being studied, which allows you to technically work out and implement creative ideas and ideas.

TV and video design is a relevant specialty in modern times!

Disciplines: Color science, Composition, Fonts, History of material culture and design, Elements and processes of television and staged design (album of graphic works, comics, animatics, remake of movie scenes), Design of objects of television and staged design (creation of complex short films, video game development, creation of music videos), Pavilion photography, Reportage photography, Shooting and lighting equipment, Illustration, Portfolio, Modern design, etc.

Prospects: Specialists in this field are always in demand in the market in positions from an editor, photographer, videographer to a production director, production designer, art director, VFX and CGI specialist, as well as heads of any creative teams creating media content. All this is due to the knowledge, understanding and experience of working on various types of tasks, from creating presentations and developing preparatory materials for various pitchings, to the implementation of full-fledged creative projects in various layers of the media sphere.


The “Fashion Design” educational program is designed to train personnel to work in the field of the fashion industry, possessing theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for their implementation in professional activities, meeting the needs of the domestic and global intellectual labor markets, ready to make a qualitative leap in the world fashion. The ultimate goal of training a fashion designer is to improve the quality of development and implementation of the designer’s plans, in accordance with modern innovative technologies and reflecting current trends in the field of design, architecture, art and cultural history of peoples, their traditions, customs, to create a harmonious and integral complex of “people” – suit – environment.”


The profession of a costume designer (fashion designer) is now acquiring a high social status and is very relevant. There is a need for specialists who are able to work, focusing on existing demand, in a competitive market environment, which is formed by strong global brands.

The costume designer knows what will be worn next season. They not only predict fashion but dictate it. A costume designer has an understanding of the real market, companies and brands, mechanisms and methods of organizing sales, fashion trends and seasonality principles.


Career opportunities of this educational program

– design and modeling of clothing and products of various assortments and purposes, taking into account structural, technological, aesthetic, stylistic, economic and other parameters using traditional and new methods of artistic design;

– predicts and illustrates fashion;

– masters methods of shaping and figurative expressiveness in costume;

– can evaluate and be an expert in design solutions in the fashion industry;

– develop fashion education programs;

– conducts research activities in the field of the fashion industry and fashion forecasting.


An industrial designer is dedicated to creating and improving the appearance, ergonomics, and user experience of industrial and consumer goods and products. Their responsibilities include market research, concept development, prototyping, collaboration with engineers, documentation development, and product testing. They work in a variety of industries, including electronics, automotive and furniture manufacturing, to create functional and aesthetically pleasing products. Designing the appearance of products allows you to show creativity and bring unique ideas into the creation of functional objects.

Industrial designers work to create products that not only satisfy technical requirements, but also appeal to consumers, thereby making products more competitive in the marketplace. Industrial design aims to create products that satisfy the needs and preferences of users, providing a comfortable and enjoyable interaction with the products. Designers bring innovative solutions keeping in mind the latest trends and technological advancements, which contributes to the growth of the industry.

Demand for professionals: With an increasing emphasis on design and user experience, the demand for skilled industrial design professionals is growing, opening up prospects for a rewarding career. These advantages make the industrial design major attractive to those seeking to combine creativity, functionality, and market impact.

Industrial design professionals have a variety of career opportunities, working in a variety of industries. Some of the main career paths in this field include: product design (working in design studios or companies, which can include a variety of fields, from electronics and home appliances to vehicles and furniture); consulting and freelancing (may include concept creation, prototyping and design consultations); work in the automotive industry; package design; research and development (participation in research and development projects aimed at creating innovative products and technologies); work in the field of medical design; education; project management.



Graphic design

6B02122 – “Graphic Design” educational program is included in the group of Educational programs 7M02120 – “Design” and is taught at the Faculty of Design of the International Educational Corporation.

Graphic design is the skill of the future!

To master modern digital graphics technologies and succeed in advertising campaigns, graphic designers study programs such as the Adobe package, Figma, graphic editors for drawing on a tablet, and others. The professional portfolio of such students includes visual solutions for corporate styles, branding, web design, UX/UI design and illustration.

Graphic designers create modern digital products: logos, identities, packaging, visual communications, illustrations, online advertising, SMM products, videos and animations.

Study graphic design, master a profession that combines art, creativity and the latest media technologies!

Graphic designers study the following disciplines:

– Colour science, Composition, Print, History of material culture and design,

– Components and processes of graphic design: an album of graphic works with different methods of stylization, children’s book design, packaging design, corporate style and identity development),

– Designing of objects of graphic design (publication design, social advertising, advertising campaign, multimedia design),

– Web design (UX\UI design, websites, applications),

– Illustration, Colour Science and Composition in Graphic Design,

– Portfolio, Modern design, Advertising and marketing, etc.


Graphics, advertising and media designers are always in demand on the market for positions from illustrator and junior designer to arts director and head of the creative department, as they are able to work with a wide range of tasks from creating presentations and developing merchandise to branding and web design. Our graduates work in printing and publishing houses, design bureaus and advertising agencies, marketing companies and general firms in the creative industry.

Architectural design

Brief description of the Educational Program:

The purpose of the 6B02121 “Architectural Design” educational program is to prepare highly intelligent, competitive specialists in the field of design and arts activities, who have theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for their implementation in professional activities, meeting the needs of the domestic and global labour markets, capable of solving problems designing various objects of architectural design (objects, fragments of the architectural environment, landscape, interiors, exhibitions) aimed at creating a comfortable subject-spatial environment, in accordance with modern innovative technologies, capable of working in creative design teams of enterprises and organizations.

The ultimate goal is to prepare a Bachelor of Arts, designer, proficient in modern design technologies and in project management in the field of architectural design.

What disciplines are studied in the Educational program?

Basics of Design I-III, Art History; Colour Science, Drawing I-II, Painting I-II, Composition I-II; Modelling, World history of architecture, History of material culture and design; Components and Processes of Architectural Design I-IV; Designing of objects of architectural design I-IV, Arts management, History of interior, Typology of the architectural environment, Ergonomics, Professional computer programs I-II, etc.

Objects of professional activity:

1) subject-spatial human habitat with its components (urban, rural residential and public areas, park ensembles with architectural and design objects and engineering structures included in them, landscape and recreational complexes with their equipment and natural content);

2) urban infrastructure and landscaping;

3) internal spaces of residential and public buildings, underground public structures, decoration, equipment and furniture in the interior;

4) specialized complexes of temporary design equipment for urban leisure activities, utilitarian functions, etc.;

5) exhibition and trade displays of various significance and type, elements of monumental and decorative and objects of decorative and applied art in the exterior and interior, visual communications in the environment.