Creative exams

B074 - Architecture

Creative exams for the group of educational programs «B074 – Architecture» (additional creative exams) are conducted as a profiling exam, which consists of two parts:

B031 - Fashion, Design

Creative exams for the group of educational programs «B031 – Fashion, Design» (additional creative exams) are conducted as a profiling exam, which consists of two parts:

What should an applicant take with him for a creative exam?

Sketching Tools:
Pencils of hardness 2-N, 3-N, NV, V

Drawing Tools:
Pencils of hardness 2-N, 3-N, NV, V
Squares with angles of 30, 60 and 45 degrees

At your discretion:
The meter
Wet wipes

Creative exam

Creative exams in «Painting» and «Drawing» are held with the aim of identifying and selecting creatively gifted applicants who are able to study in the groups of educational programs «B074 – Architecture» and «B031 – Fashion, Design» and the predisposition of applicants to mastering the profession.

The creative exam helps to identify the degree of preparedness of the applicant and his awareness in choosing a profession. This competition evaluates the ability to convey the volume and shape of the model, light-air perspective and space, the character and proportions of the object, the use of tone, volumetric-spatial thinking, etc.


⦁ In the Painting exam, you cannot use a piece of paper or other objects as a ruler.
⦁ Each exam will take place on a different day. The examinations will be divided into streams. The date of passing the exams and detailed information will be known after the submission of the documents.
⦁ You do not need a stamp on the Draft exam. You only need to draw a frame.
⦁ These entrance examinations for applicants to the EP «B074 – Architecture» and «B031 – Fashion, Design» groups.
⦁ Creative exams cannot be taken in two EP groups.
⦁ If you passed the UNT in 5 subjects, the points of two subjects will be taken into account: History of Kazakhstan and Reading Literacy;
⦁ KazGASA has preparatory courses for creative exams.
