The Public Foundation “Kazakhstan Khalkyna” announces a competition for awarding grants and scholarships.

Dear applicants!

Public Foundation “Kazakhstan Khalkyna” announces a competition for awarding grants and scholarships.

Applicants need to submit an application for a grant and scholarship from the Public Foundation “Kazakhstan Khalkyna” to the admissions committee of the selected organization (university) within the period from 10th to 17th AUGUST.

Criteria for selection of program participants for awarding educational grants and scholarships of the Fund “Kazakhstan Khalkyna” according to the results of competitions held through the Commission of Higher Education:

– The educational grant is nominal without the right of transfer, is given once, and it is not allowed to receive an educational grant for a second higher education;

– The holders of the educational grant are paid tuition fees up to 1 million tenge for the academic year and paid a monthly stipend during the entire period of study in the amount of 40,000 (forty thousand) tenge. Payment of the scholarship is carried out during 10 months (annually), except for period of summer vacation.

The list of candidates for awarding the educational grant is formed by HEI from among the applicants who passed the UNT in the current calendar year and scored the required passing score for admission (taking into account the creativity examinations).

Detailed information is available on the website:

Students of International Education Corporation participated in the ISA World Congress 2023.

Students of the International Education Corporation took part in the ISA World Congress 2023: “A Society Built for All”, organized in the framework of the World Congress of Architects.

Five students of the Faculty of Architecture, taking the educational program “Architecture of residential and public buildings” – Askarova Alina Kairatovna, Huseynov Georgiy Rominovich, Ibadildina Diana Nygmetovna, Musataeva Deniz Maratovna and Nasihat Kamila Yerlankyzy were selected among the students of the IEC.

Their participation was especially valuable for us, considering that only about 30 students from different countries of the world were selected, and our students were among them.

In the city of Copenhagen in the Royal Danish Academy of Architecture, Design and Conservation (the Royal Danish Academy) within the framework of the congress was also organized a workshop “Society for Every Body”, where our students met with the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, the head of the Institute, mentors of the workshop and other experts.

It is important to note that the congress was attended by more than 6000 participants from 135 countries. The main objective of the congress was to ensure a sustainable future and to engage all students of the world. The congress participants, leading researchers and practitioners from around the world, gathered to discuss measures to combat climate change, increase biodiversity and social inclusion.

We wish our students success in their studies, new and unforgettable openings!

Graduation ceremony for IEC graduates.

Dear graduates of bachelor’s and master’s programs of the International Education Corporation!

We congratulate you with the end of your student years and invite you to the graduation ceremony to be held at the Palace of the Republic!

May the acquired knowledge and skills be of benefit to you and to our society! We wish you prosperity and achievement of great heights in your profession!

Date: 10th of July

Venue: 56 Dostyk Avenue, Palace of the Republic, Almaty.

International Education Corporation congratulates on the World Architect’s Day!

Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering congratulates you on the World Architect’s Day and wishes you interesting ideas in your activity, amazing ideas in your creativity, beautiful moments in your life!

We would like to remind you that on 1st of July, architects all over the world celebrate their professional holiday.

Today’s date is not just a professional holiday, it is a tribute to the work of architects, recognition of their work, which is a combination of science and art.