Elective disciplines are disciplines that are part of the profile, contributing to the deepening of the individualization of specialized education
It is a systematic annotated list of all disciplines included in the elective component.
When compiling the QED, trends in the development of science, practice, market needs and consumer requests for university educational services should be taken into account.
The CAD of educational programs should be developed in accordance with the following requirements:
elective disciplines are determined in accordance with the need for students to master professional competencies defined by the State Educational Standard
elective courses should be presented in the form of certain natural trajectories indicating the previous disciplines, the possession of the tools of which is necessary to understand the following;
the order of study of elective disciplines is carried out in accordance with the logic of academic interrelation and sequence of study of disciplines, that is, with the indication of prerequisites and post-prerequisites;
The QED should provide students with an alternative choice of elective academic disciplines.
elective subjects are presented according to the cycles of the standard curriculum, with a brief content, indicating the number of credits;
The CAD should contain the following information: the name of the university, the name and cipher of the specialty or the OP code, the academic year for which this CAD is being developed, the approval and approval of the CAD at a meeting of the methodological council of the university, indicating the protocol number and date.
Next is the QED table, which contains the following information: blocks of elective disciplines for cycles of general education disciplines (OOD), basic disciplines (DB) and profile disciplines (PD). For master’s and doctoral studies, only the DB and PD cycles are filled in.
Next, the name of the discipline is indicated, prerequisites (preceding the study of this discipline); post-prerequisites (studied after this discipline), the complexity of loans, a summary of the main sections of the discipline, the purpose of the study, the expected results of the study.
At the beginning of the current academic year, but no later than March, academic and associate professors responsible for the direction of training determine the list and content of elective subjects for the next academic year and recommend them for approval by the methodological council of the university.
The content of elective subjects must meet the necessary requirements: relevance, scientific character, research character, connection with practice, take into account professional specifics, as well as the research activities of teachers.
The faculties submit the approved list of elective disciplines in the form to the Registrar’s Office for the formation of a general catalog of elective disciplines no later than April of the current academic year.
The Registrar’s office, together with the deans, informs students with a list of elective subjects.
During the current academic year, teaching staff, together with advisors, under the guidance of the Dean of the faculty, conduct presentations of elective subjects for students.
Presentations of elective subjects should be held outside of school hours according to the schedule, but no later than the date of registration for elective subjects.
Registration for elective subjects is made on time.
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